Can anyone tell from the pic how this guy got his dreads to look so good? Which method might make dreads like this? Crap, sorry guys more pic problems. i will try to post it later. Ben.
obviously i cant see the dreads, but often if they are very neat looking they will either be very mature dreads or will have had wax used on them. I dont recoment wax at all. Any method of dreadlocking your hair will work, back comb, wool rub or natural. Depending on your hair it will take in different ways. good luck
kinda off-topic but I think the way you do (or not do) your dreads depends on the reason you want them... if it's just for looks then I'd backcomb, or something, but if you're trying to disregard vanity (which would inculde more things of course), or some such thing, then I'd just stop brushing the hair... your choice.
Ok. Here is the link to the pictures. Just scroll down the page and you will see. Luke's dreads look really good. Animal Bag is also a very cool band to check out. Ben.