LOL, Just kidding I don't know what this thread was supposed to be for so I decided to hijack it and use it for random graffiti quotes. OP hope you don't mind!
I think about my kitties - a lot. They're both gone now, but I had them for so long (the boy 16 years, his sister 20 years). Loved them immeasurably. Since they've been gone the memory of them comes to mind often.
the parallel universe in which my actual dreams take place. its landscapes, infrastructure and odd little houses. there are people there, sometimes but not always, and usually to far off in the distance to tell anything in particular about them. ironically i do think about affection, and not wanting to make anyone feel bad. but i do love exploring, usually alone.
Graffiti- words or pictures that are written or drawn in public places Mural- painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall This mural, is also graffiti, and is arguably very beautiful.
I absolutely love wall art. We have photos of done from all over the world. There are some really talented people out there.