
Discussion in 'Pollution' started by OneLifeForm, Apr 2, 2010.

  1. OneLifeForm

    OneLifeForm Member

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    are fucking up the world. Will it ever end? I don't know.
    The pollution is not just your standard trash on the road or in the ocean, it is the chemical foods they are pumping into people. The drugs they are creating; "Have you ever felt sad? Then take ______." Months later; "Has you or anyone you know suffered from death or brain damage from taking ______? If so let us know so we can make some money!"
    Everything nowadays is just pollution, the fucking radio, the clothing lines, advertisements.
    The absolute cause of this mess is one simple word; GREED.
    The fact that I have to live beautifully in peace only in my mind and body is absurd. This world does not have to operate like this. I will use my powers to stand and raise awareness and try to make a change. Not a one man army, one life form connecting with other life forms to make a difference. Just wait, I will be there, A Sound Mind presenting One Life Form ready to do the right thing for the right reason.
  2. Logan 5

    Logan 5 Confessed gynephile Lifetime Supporter

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    Ah! NOW you understand society. And now you understand why some of us flee it. Common sense is still alive, but in society it has been raped and tortured into something it never was.
  3. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    11,003"]very mild super powers[​IMG]
  4. pattymary

    pattymary Member

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    but what can we do exactly? are we not forced to still belong to that? as soon as you buy a drink or even a book you belong to that!as soon as you take a bus you belong to that!i would like to know how to stop the commercial lobbies to rule the world by my daily actions!
  5. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    the quicker they fuck this planet up. the quicker this species will eradicate itself. And life can go on ...

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