You always get one on every forum, some absolute twat who has to moan about everything anyone else does, it isn't politically correct, geographically correct, or some other load of bollocks that they don't like, it is at times like these when I encounter one of these people that I remember why I stopped going on forums anyway. Well here's how it is, I don't agree with mass immigration into the UK by so called 'asylum seekers', usually they are just coming here for what they can get. I am dead against those fuckwits who think that despite paying sod all towards the roads, and I might add ignoring most of the road traffic laws, that we should all go out of our way to take care of cyclists, well it's like this, if a cyclist jumps a red light or comes at me with no lights on going against the flow of traffic on a one way street then tough titty, if they get hit it's their own fault and I hope they can afford to pay for the damage they cause to my truck. I'm also sick to death of this transgender shite, if you were born with a pair of bollocks you are a bloke, if you weren't you're a woman. A young child is incapable of deciding that it wants to become vegan, vegetarian or otherwise, despite what it's stupid parents will try and have you believe. I have no time for all this 'awoke' shite, or BLM or 'taking the knee' and as far as I am concerned the main reason most of these black kids haven't got decent jobs is because they don't want to go to college and follow the route the rest of us did. And as for that prick Vlad, well he's just an annoying twat who gets up everyones nose, so he can go fuck himself! There, I've had my rant and I feel a lot better, I've met some really nice people on here (you know woh you are) but fuck me there's some moaning twats here too. Anyway thats it for me folks, I'm off and I won't be back. BYE.
I am also sad to hear this Phil. We've always liked and read your comments, I don't know if anyone picking on you... but yes, the forums are a reflection of life around us. How could it be anything else but that? HipForums was created as a place for people to speak freely, and I respect your thoughts in that regard. Many of our members speak out regularly about this and that, it's how we all learn to get along and live together on the planet... even though we may have differences of opinion we are all just people. This is a trying time for most, but things will get better in the New Year. Hang in there Phil! This is just another step along the path...
I really hope Phil does return, and I agree with nearly everything he says in his post above. As soon as I discovered this place had an ignore list, Vlad was the 1st name I put on it! I suspect most of the time Vlad is just trying to get a reaction and doesn't mean any harm, but if your mental health is not great or you suffer from depression (I've been there), it's best just to add those kind of people to your ignore list and enjoy conversing with the majority on here who are fun to chat with.
someone explain to me, how is what the op is complaining about not exactly what he is doing in that post? statistically we create what individually we experience. please forgive my lack of sympathy for what appears to be the hatred of logic. if you don't want people to try to relocate, stop destroying the environment of where they used to live. only the already well off find it easy to relocate without some compelling, often horrific reason, to do so. and if you hate the environment, try living without one. and its not the little green pieces of paper that are unhappy either. and aggressive inconsiderateness is why authoritarian tyranny exists. political correctness is a phrase coined to trivialize morality. i hear the op's kind of crap all the time, its why we ended up with wanna be fascist dictator trump. (usually from homeless people hollering it walking down the alley in the middle of the night. i don't waste my time on right wing media to hear it there too.) thank god a majority, however slim, had sense enough this time to see through it. not trying to be unkind, but its not about some theoretical niceness or lack of it, its what creates the (human society aspect of) kind of world we all have to live in.