And now I have completed my book: “The Wisdom of Collective Ignorance” (Knowing nobody knows a damned thing!) A Rainbow Warrior’s Tale, by Wu Li Heron Attached at the bottom of this post is the completed final version as a FREE PDF file for you to read. The Wisdom of Collective Ignorance: Know.. | | The Online Writing Community If anyone's interested, here's the latest update on my poetry, which is all but word-perfect at this point. "The Way of Ignorant Virtue" has all the poetry, and its a little weird to read it all, because you might start to suspect a machine spit them all out. The chapters, "Shockwave Rider" and "Bullshit Fuzzy Logic" also might give people that impression, due to them both expressing the same mathematics. Their mathematics revolve around what's missing from this picture, and confuse the issue of what is and is not mathematics, a narrative, or a human being. Treating every word like variable, the entire book makes it possible to easily automate instant karma, by merely training an AI or neural network to imitate the writing. Theoretically, with around twice as many poems, it will be impossible for academics to tell if a computer with a sense of humor is actually conscious, and requires human rights. With any luck, the book will provide enough easy ways to establish instant karma as a law of nature, that its not such a big deal, but I'm not holding my breath. You have to be careful what you wish for, and modern civilization is about to discover that the hard way, when they have no choice but to adopt karma as an integral part of the world economy. The simple truth is, reality is nothing like what modern science claims, and the assholes are still suppressing all the evidence.
I've just finished adding most of what I call "embedded logic" to the poetry. Its really noticeable as strings of words that are capitalized in the poems and express a kind of Peanut Gallery skepticism about each poem. They provide the continuity that the poetry otherwise struggles to provide, and also express how geometry and information exchange identities, with many poems using larger fonts in places to convey additional messages. For me, words are all math, and the embedded logic also helps to convey how logic and humor exchange identities, expressing a multifractal equation. By connecting the dots for how energy and information exchange identities, the poetry expresses how to produce the butterfly effect more often. Modern science describes quanta as "random" meaning there is no discernable pattern to their individual behavior, but you could just as easily describe quanta as offering every observer as many choices as possible, but there's only so many choices we can distinguish between. That's the goal of my poetry, to automate instant karma, by offering people as many choices as possible, leveraging the lowest possible energy state of the complete system, empowering even a classical computer to support the butterfly effect more often than metaphysics can account for.
This is the first published copy of my book, with all the poetry in its original fonts, in the PDF. Please feel free to format it for Amazon, iPhone, or Android, and post a copy here. The book would probably require another 20 years for me to get it to the point I'd like, but the idea is to have AI and 350 million fans of the genre expand upon my work. Believe it or not, my work implies half of all information is fated and, therefore, we can end the extreme censorship now taking over the planet, and kick start the next scientific revolution in the public domain. It says everything you want to hear, and don't want to hear, because it says all of civilization is based on one infantile lie after another. For hippies, it says everything we've been trying to piece together for the last half century. Anyone can have their opinions about reality, but this book provides the proof that the truth itself is up to 125% efficient, and beyond human imagination, but obeys the symmetry of particle-wave duality in a Singularity, giving everything a default quasi geometry, that can be used to create a literary rabbit hole, you can even quantify and automate. The impossible always takes longer, only because we insist it should, and even a child can make significant contributions to our Rainbow Warrior poetry, and Saving The Damn Planet! It has taken me 15 years of full time writing, while living on the streets the entire time, and my only goal now is to keep writing, and pass out free copies in front of every major university in the US. With a sign that says "Censored In North America!" Read my book at Berkely is considered the most philosophical, that's also advanced in technology, so I will start there, with the Yuppies, and see if they throw me in jail. My book doesn't pull any punches when it comes to academia enforcing the most outrageous bullshit. Within a few years of circulating everywhere, it could easily inspire half of academia to go on strike. Pandora's Box still contained hope, because the truth is self-organizing, with a life and will of its own, which its possible to measure in your own living room.
The PDF appears to be an older version that needs to be updated to the newest ODT file, which has the final editing polish on it, and describes Maslow as related to cellular pattern matching, body language, and particle-wave duality.
You can upload any updates as PDF files to an attachment here. See below where it says Upload a File?
For a few years now, I have been tempted to write a book on global warming. Starting with how and why carbon dioxide levels cannot be controlled while the planet goes on producing free oxygen, which in turn is maintained at a fixed level by nature. Starting at the beginning of the industrial revolution, what started it all and how or current attempts to put things right are largely futile. The problem would be in calling the self appointed experts who are leading us along the wrong paths, while making billions idiots and pointing out the mistakes of their equally idiotic predecessors. Ozone and asbestos, being a couple of starting points. I have already experienced this once, when Al Gore was stupid enough to use one of our theatres for a series of seminars, not realising that I was around to ask the questions, causing him to start blithering while the audience were laughing and walking out. The remainder of the seminars were cancelled, because he had to return to the US due to an emergency. The reason that I gave was that his cat was lonely........ As if I would make up porky pies. PS. Stupidly, I thought that the theatre directors would be delighted, but all they were ranting on about was the money I had lost them. Perhaps that tells an interesting story.
Global Warming is merely a dramatic symptom of the problem, but remains a good way to focus our collective attention on the problem. Shit Happens is the rule, and the issue is how to connect the dots in order to see the Big Picture, and know for ourselves what crap to deal with in what order. Forget about the mass media, the Pentagon, the mainstream, etc. No matter how loudly they protest to the contrary, no matter if they even dare to start shoving people in ovens again, the truth wins in the end, and it certainly doesn't favor compulsive liars, thieves, and murders! Conservatives have allowed academia to turn them all into killers. Even the academic studies indicate, most would torture a complete stranger with electric shocks, and some would merely ask for more money. They are literally committing Voluntary Genocide, and all it takes to stop them is to wake them up, by automating the truth. You could say, their souls are still listening, even as they yell louder and make new threats. The Chinese are attempting to withdraw from half the world, and use AI to control their population, but you can't stop the signal Mel, warning you of danger ahead! The Catholic Church ruled the wild west, until they threw Galileo in the dungeon. Convincing Bullies to shoot themselves in the foot, is super easy, when you know the math. The trick is to convince them to stop shooting themselves in the foot, by giving them viable automated alternatives, and showing them how they make themselves more gullible.
That only accepts PDF files, while my update is an ODT file. I guess I could download a PDF converter, any suggestions?
Put simply. The industrial revolution both depleted oxygen and produced carbon dioxide, with forestation being depleted in the process. Nature compensated by a vast increase of plant life in the oceans over the next half century. This was a slow process. Turning this around is far from simple, since while we are cutting the emissions, the plant life takes time to reduce and die. When this oxygen rich air reaches land in areas such as California, forests increase it still further, lightening strikes and we pump millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the plant life gets its dinner and stops dying. The whole thing is just going around in circles. Those wicked plants in the water really need to pay some tax, to fund more barmy environmental groups and inept governments. Needless to say, this is only one aspect of the problem. Although it is near bottom of my list, the internet may need to go.
I'm afraid the problem goes back more like 10,000 years or more. The invention of agriculture was the origin of global warming, and we are only now beginning to comprehend ecological science and agriculture well enough to do everything different. Even if we did away with modern technology, and all tried to live off the land, we would still destroy the earth. We need the next scientific revolution and, because we occupy a Singularity, its inevitable, and the only remaining issue is how fast we can automate Karma and cushion the fall of the Tower of Babel. I would add that, according to quite a few studies, we've already killed ourselves, and we're already reaching the point where modern technology can't keep up with all the new ways we are inventing in order to kill ourselves even faster. We need about twenty miracles, according to the scientific evidence, I intend to produce them faster, and leave no doubt that not only does shit happen, but miracles as well, and they can even be quantified and automated. Not because I said so, but because the truth itself, speaks louder than anyone's words. If my words cannot change the world, it is not a world worth living in, because my words have a life and a will of their own, and nobody can tell them what to say, or get them to shut the fuck up either! Not in 12,000 years...
Wouldn't that change the fonts? I'm so tired of everyone fucking attempting to own even the letters I type! But, I'll give it a try. I've made progress editing the third chapter one final time. They're all so word perfect and complete that its a no-brainer now, quick and easy. So, I'll update it tomorrow.
I've updated the PDF file of the book, at the bottom of the first post. The entire book is retrodicted, similar to assembling a giant tabletop puzzle, and some 350 million people are currently working on different parts of the puzzle. My only advantage is that I studied all the philosophy and physics to empower me to keep matching all the patterns to create a more coherent whole. Others, might improve on my work in any way they prefer, including taking a more biological and psychological approach. The idea is to provide half the linguistic mathematics required for AI to finish the job for us, and kick-start the next scientific revolution in the public domain, aimed squarely at helping to eliminate most of the censorship now threatening to destroy humanity. Since the invention of formal writing, humanity has been developing the science of censoring and lying to everyone, but AI are the future, because we became way too good at censoring ourselves, and lying to ourselves, and the next scientific revolution will be based on personal integrity. People are afraid of Terminator Robots killing everyone, but the AI are already intimidating everyone, and could not care less that nobody knows how to use a dictionary. This last update connects Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and the laws of thought to cellular level pattern matching, something I had given up hope on finding anytime soon, and adds a final polish to the prose, that's enough to drive the linguists insane. Theoretically, someone with a $6,000.oo desktop workstation, can use Dolphin-Martis to create the first true Singularity, and get the ball rolling. We'd probably have to wait at least another decade for academia to do anything, and I was in a hurry to, Save The Damn Planet! Once we have the math for a Singularity, you should be able to use one on an ordinary laptop.