Im not sure if Im in the right subforum... but I need information about the third eye. Because it keeps freaking me out. Cuz It keeps opening and closing...And it feels really weird. Anyone can explain me what this thing is supposed to be? Pineal Gland activity? When I trip I see a blue pyramid with an eye in the corner floating-infront of my head. Around it there is a circle and there is writing on the circle. I could never read it but looks Sanskrit... I have been seeing it for a long time (when on lsd.. months ago) but ignored it. But now I started to feel it sober. (Not see tho) Anyone got more info about this subject? Thank you! Peace!!
I've never SEEN my third eye visually. The third eye is really an expression to describe intuition. Not something literally, I don't think.
the 3rd is wut i call the spiritual eye. u could say its the pineal gland, now for the hallucinations part, i know there is a term for this, but i dont really remember. i bet if u look at the acid subforum u might find ur answer
yeah I could hit up the psychedelic forum.. but I was interested in sober meditation when I asked the question. because I felt it sober too and that is the aspect that I wanna explore! so... this thing has a purpose ? Anyone can describe me some sober experiences with the third eye? what do you feel when you open it? do you use it for something? what is the purpose? Im very curious about these things!
it occurs when people meditate, being in a state of complete calmness that u body releases DMT. which can lead to hallucinating, lucid dreaming, and astral projection, it can also occur while doing something like yoga. there r some good books as well, on this topic
If you're really in tune it can occur when you're not meditating also. I meditate throughout the day, just because I found it helps my high blood pressure. Stroke also runs in my family so I find it calms the nerves. I've been doing this since I was a little kid to avoid headaches (my mother taught me). The more you practice sober, the better you become at it. So practice plenty. I can't really describe the experience. I just zone out sometimes to a place where peaceful things are happening, sometimes to complete quiet and darkness (which I prefer). There are times my third eye speaks to me when I'm listening. But its not like it uses words, I just identify feelings I get. I'm also very emotionally aware of myself and others. Try listening?
I don't know of one specific to LSD use, but The Field by Lynn McTaggert is good, or some books by Graham Hancock. He's big on ayahuasca. Also, there's Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda that's really deep.
You can visualize a 3rd eye vibrating rapidly in the minds eye. Whatever other aspects you perceive of that 3rd eye are its properties relevant to you. Different sizes, colours, speed of vibration, what surrounds it? The stronger the perception of your higher function becomes, the more trust you will place in yourself. Knowing yourself is what activates your "third eye".
I saw images while meditating. They were of a woman putting her towels away in her closet in her washroom. One time of a human skull. It's really weird.
As stated the third eye is the spiritual eye – it can only be truly opened permanently by somebody who has reached the end of the meditation journey. It is not uncommon to see a range of Geometries when meditating, make a note of them and keep meditating – you may have some flashes of intuition about what the energy that you have perceived means
When your third eye is active you can guess future incidence. You get some visualizing power which is extra ordinary and different than that of common man.