The Shockwave Rider

Discussion in 'Writers Forum' started by wooleeheron, Sep 3, 2021.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    I've finally conquered the second chapter of my book, "Bullshit Fuzzy Logic", after extrapolating half the rest of the book from it, over several years. You could say, I had to write the book, to find out what it's about, the fucking hard way! Anyway, the second chapter had to be word perfect and complete, for me to figure out how to write the rest of the book better. The next chapter I will write will be "The Shockwave Rider", but this chapter now explains what the book is all about, mathematically so word perfect and complete, you might swear a computer spit it out, and that's what the poetry looks like as well.

    By confusing the issue of what is a computer, and what is a human being, it becomes possible to transform the entire world into a meritocracy, leveraging the magic of instant karma. Trekkies only wish they could do what I can with words.

    Bullshit Fuzzy Logic | | The Online Writing Community
  2. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Mama nature can feed me data all day long, for years at time, just as fast I can take it, and this is her latest present. The idiots are attempting to define what is a human being according to what is a machine, while by making it impossible to make such distinctions online, means business as usual will become impossible.
  3. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    After polishing up the second chapter and the poetry a little more, they're both now all-but-word perfect and ready to publish. After mulling the issue over for a week, I figured out at least some of the basics of what the Shockwave Rider has to cover, and came to the conclusion that it must merge the logic of Hippocrates, and use it to expand upon Maslow, Game Theory and Information Theory. Hippocrates described how to not put your outhouse at the top of the hill, above your water supply. Crap rolling downhill is great, when it rolls into a rice paddy or duck pond, where the most interesting things always grow out of manure, without getting into your drinking water. So, it merges all the metaphors quiet nicely, but I have research to do and any feedback from Zen or anyone else interested is welcome. :)

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