Comey destroyed his credibility when he became an accomplice to Hillary's felonies. Once a top cop loses confidence of his men, he's worthless and a seriously lame duck. The FBI is hemorrhaging agents who have too much integrity to work for a crooked cop. Comey was looking for a plausible excuse to reopen Hillary's criminal investigation; hence, the alleged "new" emails. His becoming an accomplice to Hillary's God knows how many felonies has destroyed his credibility to lead a law enforcement agency. Now he's merely trying to restore his image. It won't work. He became a dirt bag the second he became Hillary's accomplice. He should have conducted a credible criminal investigation as opposed to his sham investigation. This time I do expect justice to prevail. Information within ongoing criminal investigations is never released until investigations are completed. Hillary knows this FACT. Not releasing information of ongoing criminal investigations preserves integrity of investigations, Hillary, a mediocre at best lawyer knows this 100% fact. Stupidity is never a defense to any crime. Can you imagine Stalin claiming stupidity as a defense for the tens of millions of murders he committed? "Yep, that's how it went down. I was stupid. Now I want to go home." All crimes are alleged until proved true in court. We were supposed to be a nation of laws, not a nation of men. Our country's ruling elite believe that law applies only to unwashed masses, not to them. That belief will cause destructive dissension that will cause our country's dissolution. To preserve our nation, we must preserve the rule of law. Contrary to Hillary and her lackeys' rhetoric, investigating felonies is not political. It is legal process that is politically neutral. Every patriotic American, regardless of political loyalty, must demand that the rule of law prevail. This was sent to me by a cop. It's the real reason Comey reopened Hillary's criminal investigation: Even quintessential liberal Michael Moore knows that Trump is going to win, and he said it before Comey reopening Hillary's criminal investigation: That's all I got to say about that.
"Republican former US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on Monday slammed the FBI director's recent actions in the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server. He called Comey's actions an "error in judgment" and said he is "somewhat perplexed about what the director was trying to accomplish here." Gonzales said Comey's letter Friday informing lawmakers that the FBI is reviewing new emails potentially related to its investigation into Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state breaks from long-standing Justice Department practice. The protocol is not to comment on investigations and to stay silent on politically sensitive matters less than 60 days from an election. "You don't comment on investigations because commenting on the investigation may jeopardize the investigation. And that's the box that he's put himself in, because people are now calling for more information -- for release of the emails," Gonzales told CNN's John Berman and Kate Bolduan on "At This Hour." He was the third former attorney general to recently and publicly criticize Comey." Source: Had Comey conducted an ethical investigation of Hillary's alleged felonies, he would've escaped condemnation. Now he's trying to restore his credibility which he never will. Once a cop goes sideways, he'll never recover his integrity. He'll always be known as a dirty cop. Dirty cops will always lose confidence of his cops. Comey should resign. If Comey were to release information of an ongoing criminal investigation, he will compromise the integrity of it.
Obviously we don't get to know everything that is going on in your country, but from what we do! Can you possibly vote in Trump? Is he not just there to take the heat away from Clinton, and so make her look good? You do know he is not mentally stable. Right? Think about the Red button! Like in the UK, good partie candidates are thin on the ground! But maybe it's time... for a new party? The people of America..The people of UK.. how could it fail?
Then prepare to ruin America! He is a crazy business man that likes young women! And is racist! He has been in business ruin lots of time, and only by cheating his government been able to get back up there! Hyperbole? Lol ok.. have you yet seen his tax returns? Nope, he is as bigger cheat as Clinton..prepare for your Brexit! Lol
Calling someone a dirty cop is redundant. They're all using warrantless searches and wiretaps and inspiring blacks to riot and snipe them from rooftops. When money and guns do all the talking that's worth listening to this is just more of the same and I'm sure Comey's reputation with the republican party will guarantee him a nice million dollar a year job. When the billionaire mayor of NYC had pigs arrested 26 reporters in one day you can bet none of the other pigs saw them as dirty.
I do think it is funny that the DNC pushed the press into giving giving Trump coverage and steering voters his way so he could make Hillary look better, but it backfired because i'm come across so many who dislike Hillary so much it makes Trump look better. Not funny haha, just ironic and sad. Trump is absolutely mentally instable. At the very least he is a narcissist with severe ADD
Now here we have an example of a low density voter. Tell me who diagnosed Trump as crazy? Could a crazy person take a million dollar load that he's repaid and turn it in to a 10 billion dollar empire? And then you went and busted out the racist noun, a gimmick used by low density voters when they cannot argue intellectually. Prove that Trump is a racist. Or are you a desperate liar. You lack knowledge to be able to vote. Is this your idea of a racist: Get over it: Trump will win and win HUGE!!!
Yeah, whatever. I already pointed out in another thread that the Michael Moore video is taken out of context and cut off before he tells us how terrible Trump is.
MeAgain, Moore is a liberal. It's a given that his opinion of Trump is not good. But the fact is Moore KNOWS Trump is going to win.
Hey. Get over yourself, I'm uk I don't vote, lol We just won't let him in, that's what we know about Did you know, in English, Trump is a fart?
How do you know that's hyperbole? Have you taken a look at Profession Neall Ferguson, a Scotsman, was identifying America as an empire on the edge of chaos: Read James Rickarrds. His take is that America is too far gone to recover, that financial collapse is looming:
I seriously doubt that, I've never met a cop who wasn't crooked, more likely they left because their cut wasn't big enough. I admit I've never met any FBI agents, so there's a chance they're different (slim chance).
Americans are long past being ruled by America's ruling elite. We've been ruled since 1913. In a Wikileaks email, Democrats are conspiring to eliminate voting. We're a republic in deep peril. Trump will vanquish America's ruling elite and restore American sovereignty. We need to extricate ourselves from every entangling alliance, especially NATO. We need to dissolve the Federal Reserve and evict the UN from Manhattan. We must restore American sovereignty. No country on Earth can destroy the USA except the USA. We will destroy ourselves. Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances [treaties] with none. ***Thomas Jefferson*** “The strongest argument for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” ***Thomas Jefferson*** “If the American people ever allow private banks [Federal Reserve] to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property -until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” ***Thomas Jefferson*** “My reading of history convinces me the most bad government results from too much government.” ***Thomas Jefferson*** "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people." ***President John Adams*** “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” ***Winston Churchill*** “America should have minded her own business and stayed out of the World War. If you hadn’t entered the war the Allies would have made peace with Germany in the Spring of 1917. Had we made peace then there would have been no collapse in Russia followed by Communism, no breakdown in Italy followed by Fascism, and Germany would not have signed the Versailles Treaty, which has enthroned Nazism in Germany. If America had stayed out of the war, all these ‘isms’ wouldn’t to-day be sweeping the continent of Europe and breaking down parliamentary government, and if England had made peace early in 1917, it would have saved over one million British, French, American, and other lives.” ***Winston Churchill*** “If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy [bullshit foreign wars].” ***US President James Madison*** “Everything the state says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen.” ***Friedrich Nietzsche*** “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” ***Arthur Schopenhauer*** “It’s easier to fool people than to convince that they have been fooled.” ***Mark Twain*** “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free.” ***Gothe*** My guess is that 90% of Americans have no clue of the Enlightenment and early American history. Donald Trump will win because even the GOP, the party of Democratic Light, fears him. He'll restore America to what America once was. America's ruling elite is fixin' to be vanquished.
Niall Ferguson is an authentic intellectual, and he's definitively cool. Too bad he's foreign born. He'd make a great American president.
Ahhhhhhh this post alone says alot about your reason for supporting Trump! There is nothing amuses me more, than an American that calls someone foreign! Look into your past, look for a real American! Show me a real American!
[SIZE=9pt]I too am a UK = a non-USA Presidential voter But - I do know what is worse an alleged corrupt politician (aren't they all?) or a [/SIZE]megalomaniac [SIZE=9pt]Dictator [/SIZE] "Did you know, in English, Trump is a fart? " [SIZE=9pt] - [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]LOL Nice one Morrow [/SIZE]