The world is getting worse by the minute because psychopaths run the place. What appears to be violent struggles for freedom is actually one or more of the bigger bully/dictators forcefully taking out a country's leader for the sole purpose of installing a puppet of their own which in turn is for the purpose of sucking up their resources unhindered. It's just one mob versus another; take out one mob boss and put in one of your own boys who will obey like a good dog. The country that the world used to see as a beacon of freedom is now nothing more than a group of psychopaths who will kill millions of innocents to win the game of world domination. These perverted humans have all the money they want. There's nothing left for them to acquire but power, and so they work to that end. And when I say "psychopaths", I don't mean it derogatorily. These humans feel the need to be more than their brothers and sisters, and so they set about creating their own specialness. They are the ones who seek the seats of power on this planet. They are drawn to the illusion of power, completely unaware of the fact that, like the masses, they, too, are tweaked and led around by their animalistic tendencies to act according to someone else's agenda. They are no different from the masses they feel superior to, and that is the comedy of their thinking and their situation. They also create their own reasoning when it comes to why they would sell out their family, friends, and neighbors (the human race). Obviously they have come to see it as a great work that has been in progress for the past few centuries. But there is nothing noble or extra-intelligent about having a sense of superiority which is derived from the practice of keeping the population of the planet in a dumbed-down state. They appear to be incapable of understanding that superiority of that kind--withholding knowledge and information from the masses--is equivalent to cutting off everyone else's tongue, and then claiming to be a better talker. They need to address their reason for needing to do such a thing. What can be said about people whose sense of richness and wealth depends upon their creation of poverty, and then positioning themselves next to the impoverished? Likewise, what can be said about people whose sense of power depends upon their creation of weakness in others, and then positioning themselves next to that weakness? This is an illness of the mind/soul; it is the the disease of delusion; it is the belief that there is progress in degradation. Most underling psychopaths who serve the upper psychopaths occupying the seats of power are simple-minded lackeys who are happy to be part of anything that they perceive as being bigger than their own empty place in life. In other words, they just want to be on the side that's winning. So, they serve whatever heartless soul is in charge, and gladly accept the condescending pat on the head along with the monetary crumbs that fall from the uppers' table. Will they ever change? To repent would be to have the weight of what they have done to their brothers and sisters come crashing down on them. They don't believe in forgiveness because they don't believe in offense. They appear to serve logic to a fault. That is, given a choice between being one of the ones who suffer theft, and being one of the ones who do the thieving, they see it as a no-brainer. And oddly enough, these self-serving, thieving psychopaths would tell you with a straight face that the people on welfare are parasites!! Well now isn't that a prime example of the pot calling the kettle black? But they have their reward, which is their constant need to steal more and more only to find that it can never fill the big empty hole they have right in the middle of them that everyone but they can see. These people who never grew up. Their mentality and behavior never evolved beyond the point of pushing others to the ground when they wanted something from them. They believe that compassion and empathy are emotional liabilities to be overcome, when the truth is that, without compassion and empathy, the world will continue to be subject to their version of life, which is death. The leaders of this world are so emotionally crippled that they believe that the rest of us are emotional cripples for not seeing the world as they see it--a giant playground where they are the bullies who control the swing and the teeter-totter and the slide. Instead of growing up, they grew out, meaning that they simply became giant versions of four-year olds with a four-year old's temper and a four-year old's desires, and won't let anyone help them run the world unless they can show themselves to be just as cruel and cold-hearted as them. And this mentality is taken up by those who choose to believe that the military industrial complex they serve, or served, is protecting freedom, even when it is painfully obvious that the reasons for the wars are made up stories designed to appeal to the uninformed. It's such a sad story. It is interesting to note that, while the power-elites view the rest of us as cows to be herded and milked, they fail to see themselves as nothing more than sled dogs. They vie for the position of lead dog in the pack. That's what elections are all about--who will be top dog. They are so distracted by the competition/quest for the lead role that they are oblivious to the fact that the shadowy figures riding the sled and cracking the whip are in charge of direction and speed, and that being lead dog is meaningless. Little do they know that they are being played like competing children who are only interested in being lead-dog so that they might receive an extra pat on the head and a little more meat than the rest of us. It's all quite simple, really. Tell a child that they are special and superior, and they will develop what they believe to be a justifiable contempt for their brothers and sisters. This, in turn, will cause the brothers and sisters to develop a contempt for the special one. It also works that way when it comes to the rich and the poor, the employed and the unemployed, and the religious and the non-religious. It's all part of the "divide and conquer" strategy. The idea is to keep people in a child-like state by maintaining an atmosphere of perpetual unfairness; this makes them as easily led as children. One day--hopefully--we'll all stop and ask ourselves why it is that we willingly allow a few to position themselves as the ones who grant or withhold privileges; think Wizard of Oz. I think we need to move beyond the stage of development which keeps us in this parent/child relationship with what we perceive to be the unquestionable authority. How else will the destruction of countries and people be stopped?
Many do not----no---many DO see this, but it appears that the bullies have won. Thus far. Their greed will kill us all, in the end. To stick with your dog sled metaphor----watch the little doggies come and tell you that you're wrong and that all is well.
Money is only a medium of exchange. The more it increases in supply, the less you can buy with same amount. You talk about the world but have you lived all over the world to be able to say the world is run by psychopaths?
("....good read..." went the goblin who had just returned, and suspected that it was too late now, in that the birthrate would decrease from this point onwards, explaining "...if it were just the meteorological deterioration, or just the debt debacle, of just these endless proxy wars, or just the radiation leakage, I would think that there was still hope, but as it is it's all of those entwined together, so one way or another the population deceases now...", somehow the line slowly then suddenly summed up how it would be)
Hmmm...I wouldn't really call them psychopaths, I would call them meglomaniacs. In there mind killing is justified you have to see it from a different pov. The great countries are like the squares of a chest board laid out in front of us its movements official is like the chess hierarchy and we the people are its pawns.What would you want to get rid of your queen or a few pawns same concept. "Afterall life is a game and we are its players." Population control is also important if not enough humans died we would be more screwed than we already are. Dying and war is t he natural part of human society it always has been. So what exactly makes the ancient ad to day's leaders so different .
The ancients could not control the entire(almost) world and all riches and people in it. What the elites do now---affects nearly everyone. But true enough--no difference in motivation.
I thought it was a good read and pretty spot-on. The bad thing is that almost nothing is really going to change anything at this point. That's why people choose to be the lead sled dog instead of trying to change anything. Many of those who held potential to influence large segments of society in a positive way have had a habit of ending up dead.
Psychopath is a strong word. But when the heads of a government decide to invade another country to get one man, knowing that such an invasion is going to result in the physical destruction of that country, the murder of a million people who are not the guy they're looking for, and the disposition of four more million--and all based on known lies--then it does appear that I may have been quick to judge such human beings because the word "psychopath" is not a strong enough word. And this is not to even mention the years of sanctions before the attack which killed mostly women and children by design.
And Bilby, if the world were not run by psychopaths, then they would have stopped the slaughter I mentioned in the above post.