The Mother As Your Creator Myth, And Why Religion Cannot Stop War.

Discussion in 'Paganism' started by Anaximenes, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    Peace for mother Earth and the Motherhood might as well, ruthlessly, be crawling back into the womb of your mom; But what about when Mankind is at War? The Earth "is ravaged by War', countries all condemn their womankind to raise their children with the values of privacy for all that were tranquil and of masculinity, the embarassing mother teaching the sons to not want to learn about fighting from Her. Fighting with the Earth under your feet had it's motherhood too, but it was truly what the true mother Earth was about.

    Science must stop war on Earth. For instance, what has the Science of the oil Industry done? Peace for Russia.
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    As a follower of the Old Germanic and Norse mythology, I've always seen war as an essential part of life. The Saxons new this like the Norse new this like I have known this all of my life. So I don't agree with you at all in a sense as Pagan myself.
    Science cannot stop a war for science continues to feed a war. A long time ago men used sharp rocks and sticks to engage warfare. They chose not to irrigate their land or structure it for any civilisation but they continued to develop better and better ways of warfare and slowly perfected the art of death.

    And on through the ages...

    And then we get to the era I call "mans finest hour" and this is sciences call first and foremost. WW2, we finally as a civilisation topped the warfare scale and learned by more ways than one, that gas and nuclear weapons were finally the answer to our age long quest of destruction. Our best years were in the 40s for we learned finally to produce mass murder on mass scale. Thank you science!

    Death in Fire!
  3. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i see war as a totally superfluous and unnatural state. something that actually takes a force of will and effort to overcome natural conditions to create.
    that there is so much of it, is only because so many people see things in terms of their self instead of in terms of the self of each thing.

    coyote and fox and turtle and them, that mythology comes from the earth itself. all those other gods are things human invent names for.

    to me, finest hour, is when we make technologies and infrastructure that are in harmony with nature instead of hurting it.
  4. nox_lumen

    nox_lumen Member

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    War is part of nature.

    It's really big wolf packs scrapping over their right to hunt and gather the land. You can say money or oil or farming or religion, but it's still wolf packs fighting for territory that will bring prosperity.

    The part that I couldn't get behind was nature worship that claimed all the old goddess worship was from times of peace. Ever look ate female bears defending their young? The insect kingdom with it's cannibalistic mating? My mother when she goes "dark"?

    Nature is scary. Mothers get scary. Humanity is scary. Take out the religion if you want, but it won't make the alphas and their packs go away, they'll just find different wording to do the same things they have always done.

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