I have been noticing that most threads here seem to devolve into a conversation beetween two or more people, and the people involved often have conversed before, perhaps, at AIM or some other thread. But often, there are other people on the boards who you find intriguing, but you have never had the chance to converse with them. This thread will change all that... In this thread, you can call out other hipforums members to have a conversation with you, without restraint, reticence or fear of social censure. Enjoy.
Well, the way to do that in this thread, is by naming people. I Name Mui, SunFree, Maes and Nisha... I have always found them all to be intriguing. But never had the oppertunity to have a conversation with them.
i think naming people more then one at a time is going to make people feel bad. what if no one names u. dose that mean ur not intresting...
Yeah, no one ever names me for anything... So I say I'd like to converse with that Soulless||Chaos fellow, he seems quite interesting, though boring, but slightly intriguing nevertheless, though I do not wish to talk with him, but maybe I will, I've always wanted to.
lol well i didnt say i felt left out.... i was just sayin. anyway what would u like to have a convo about
well right now im smoking..cuz i have nothing better to do and thinking about making rice crispy squares but using frosted flakes insted. i think it would be better then the normal ones
There are a few people here that I know or bump into once in a while (and who I like, I wont mention the once I don't like here since this is supposed to be a nice thread, right).. Monosphere: I met him in RL as well, great person crackforkids: just have this 'thing' for him, hard to explain NEMISIS: we meet in the Amsterdam forum often, nice chap Nisha: don't really know her that well but love her pic and her vibe Sage-Phoenix & ForestNymph: whom I like to think of as my pagan sisters Cerridwen: don't know her very well personally but love her for her personal forum Colenzo: who is as annoying as intruiging and who seems to be giving me the silent treatment at the moment Lodui: I just have a thing for muay thai guys.. teehee *blush* And a lot of other people that I'm probably forgetting here.. my experience is that the best way of meeting new people on this board is to visit another forum for a while.. hang with another crowd so to say.
I think it's so groovy now That people are finally getting together I thinks it's so wonderful and how That people are finally getting together Reach out in the darkness Reach out in the darkness Reach out in the darkness And you may find a friend I knew a man that I did not care for And then one day this man gave me a call We sat and talked about things on our mind And now this man he is a friend of mine //Yeah... This is the official song of this post