the lockdown

Discussion in 'People' started by phil1965, Apr 16, 2020.

  1. phil1965

    phil1965 Senior Member

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    ok so here in the UK we're in lockdown, I cannot go where I want, such as to the pub, visiting friends or family, going to certain shops etc, all in the name of containing the spread of this virus, allegedly! So you can imagine how I felt last night when I heard that today several planes will be landing in London carrying people from Romania, they are being brought here on planes chartered by a group of farmers.
    now I have to ask myself if this is being done, then why are we bothering with a lockdown? The idea of a lockdown, quarantine is simple, say for arguments sake you have a group of 1000 people and some of them are carrying a disease, then by isolating the whole group the disease will spread among the group, some will recover, some will die, the disease will then burn itself out, that's how it works.Eventually the people who recover will be allowed back into the mainstream society, however for it to work it relies on the group remaining isolated for long enough for the disease to do what it has to.
    One of our best defences in this situation is the fact that we're an island, without planes or boats, or the channel tunnel nobody can get in, so we close the tunnel. the ports and the airports and we should be able to handle it. However the government is still allowing people to come in on planes, unchecked, once these Romanians arrive are they going to be locked in, similar to a concentration camp? I think not, they'll come over here and wander around, potentially spreading the virus, and no doubt there'll be a lot that don't go home afterwards!
    I've heard stories of people who've applied for these jobs, only to be told there are no vacancies, and I've heard of people who wanted to do the job but didn't know about the vacancies. Something is going wrong here, obviously there must be some of these farmers who are fiddling their tax etc if they prefer to bring people in from abroad rather than employ locals.
    People are already getting fed up with things and there's a lot of grumblings, we've already seen mobile phone masts damaged in the belief they're causing the virus, and I think there's potential for a lot of civil unrest, There's lots of alcohol freely available, and potentially a decent summer ahead, now combine these two with a lot of bored and angry people and I think we could be in real trouble here. I can seriously see major rioting on the streets of the UK this year.
  2. Nebulous

    Nebulous Carpe diem

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    I’m ready for it to be over already
    mysticblu21, phil1965 and Sierra like this.
  3. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I'm not. I think it's been great. All the Rona Zombies inside, no one to really bother me anywhere I go, shops are empty. I've got a good house, space, backyard, lawns, room to move and enjoy myself.

    All the cooped up Rona Zombies are their own worst enemies. :sweatsmile:

    Took everything for granted, paid a fortune for rent in a shoebox close to the city so they could live their lush social nightlife. And now they're all stuck in their shoeboxes and going insane lol.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2020
  4. Nebulous

    Nebulous Carpe diem

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    Glad life is perfect for you and you take pleasure in other people’s misfortunes. Lol
    phil1965 and Sierra like this.
  5. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    It's the small things in life. :)
    Sagewynd, Faelixx, Driftrue and 4 others like this.
  6. Gul Dukat

    Gul Dukat Kanar, anyone?

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    Do the English ever stop complaining about immigrants?

    You've had like two planes from Europe in like a month and that's still too much?
  7. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    It is simply all about preventing a peak where their are not enough ventilators and doctors to cope with the numbers of patients.
    If we get into that situation, the number of daily deaths could triple.

    However, I think that we have got several things wrong.
    We need to use our testing to find people who have recovered from the virus, since without daily testing of the entire NHS, their is little benefit of telling workers they are infected 72 hours before it is obvious.

    Recovered patients carry antibodies, making them both safe and beneficial to everyone they come into contact with, by sharing a few antibodies in the same way as people share the virus. Therefore they should have restrictions lifted and be allowed to return to the community.

    The concept of crowd immunity has been questioned, but the idea has never been disproven since it was first put forward in the 17th century.
    Put simply, it will help with immunity for a few months before a vaccine is tested and approved.
    Many doctors think that it was the way that the great plague of London ultimately diminished and died out.

    As I posted in my thread, when this is all over, I intend to put my ozone hypothesis forward as a means of preventing bacterial infection spread in hospitals and care homes.
    It was only dropped in the 1960's due to lack of calibrated equipment and people in the film industry being unqualified to use and maintain it.
    Even people who keep marine fish know that it works, but the idea of looking to the film industry and pet shops to control spread of diseases will no doubt make a lot of people laugh.
    Sagewynd and Orison like this.
  8. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    You could have finished the sentence there

    Come on people, actions, not words

  9. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Spot on. So hardly a waste of time.
    I think there's a shortage of these tests atm. Production is rapidly increased :)
    This is not certain yet.
    It's likely there's no herd immunity on the short term, so unwise to apply the concept in reality atm
    wilsjane likes this.
  10. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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  11. WhatJustHappened

    WhatJustHappened Members

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    Self self self.......
  12. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Some people would complain if they were hung with a new rope.
    snowtiggernd and Running Horse like this.
  13. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    be glad you only locked down and not locked up..

    Pete's Draggin' and mysticblu21 like this.
  14. WhatJustHappened

    WhatJustHappened Members

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    Fuck that....
    Be glad you’re locked down and not brown bread.
    Poplo. likes this.
  15. phil1965

    phil1965 Senior Member

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    Even one plane is too much in this situation, imagine trying to empty a bucket of water with a cup, if the tap is still putting water into the bucket you'll never empty it, you need to turn off the tap first, in this case the only way we'll get control over this thing is by stopping anyone coming in. All you need is one infected person to start it up again
  16. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Of course you did the 'plane landing at Stansted yesterday bringing in 165 Roumanians who will be working in East Anglia fruit and veg picking throughout the summer !!!
  17. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    How long you going to do that for, 20 years?
  18. WhatJustHappened

    WhatJustHappened Members

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    British farming relies on pickers from whatever nation they hail.
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  19. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    I am just massively embarrassed that we can't even pick our own vegetables. This is a country of retarded toddlers.

    I don't drive, but IF instead of chartering planes, they'd chartered busses from around the UK, I totally would have gone picking for a month or two.
  20. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    To be fair though, half the people in the US want a 1,900 mile wall on our southern border. The new revised cost is $24.4 million per mile of wall, according to The Office of Management and Budget. Worth it to keep non-white people out of our country, I guess.
    Tyrsonswood likes this.

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