On the news, quite some time ago, there was this interesting story. It seems there is this country (poss. in Asia), where literally every man there has the emotional temperament and political views of Adolf Hitler. The country itself, not surprisingly, is an autocratic regime. I just can't for the life of me remember which country this was. (As I said, it may be in Asia somewhere.) Does anyone else know what I am talking about? Thank you in advance to all who reply. :daisy: :alien: :daisy:
Best I can tell, only Brunei, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Swaziland, and Vatican City are autocratically ruled. Maybe it was the Vatican City?
the reason i said i thought he might have been talking about america, is because a culture dominated by individual aggressiveness sounds to me, like what he's describing. not that america is the only country that has such a culture, by a long shot. there are certainly some that have it far worse. but it is the most dominant country that does.
but America is not autocratic or didn't you read the post? what I'm curious about is where there is a country where all the men are methamphetamine addicts like Hitler was. His speed abuse had a lot to do with his mentality.