Try to wrap your brain around this...... The Holographic Universe - Simulation Hypothesis - Crystalinks
Hall Of Records....where everything that ever has happened or ever will happen is written down.... Hall of Records - Crystalinks
What is the God particle? Science has found it at the Hadron's what gives every atom in the universe its mass...... The 'god particle' gets clear: New results from Large Hadron Collider reveals more | Daily Mail Online
With a holographic mind you may draw a holographic picture of existence . So what ? Do you dictate reality with a pencil ? Shall you unerringly act rightly in perfect knowledge of this + misunderstanding most of what is , has been and will be . But still , you can do pretty good , tolerably well , and in a spirit of heartfelt adventure .
I was conversing with Albert Einstein , somewhat agreeing with him that any way you apprehend and model the universe has some value . What is ? ha ha ha : a trip .
It is meaningless and lazy to say that time is an illusion. Project a hologram if you must. You still haven't explained the flow of time.
Time, like distance and ultimately most things that we think about seems easy to understand, until we ask ourselves where it starts and ends. Then we all come to that wretched word infinity, which is clearly impossible for the human brain to quantify. If we start thinking about the possibilities raised in this thread and finally accept that it is possible that we have a creator. Far from being an answer, it all falls apart the moment that we then move on to asking who created the creator. Again we could ask this question an infinite number of times. Science and maths sound so clever and yet so stupid at the same time.
Sorry, I can neither prove or disprove a hypothesis. Silly me.!!!! I had endless fun during my school days, Asking my science teachers for a definition of infinity, the maths teachers how to divide 10 by 3 and asking the religious study teachers to define the eternal god. The only one thing that they all agreed on was that I was an eternal pain in the ass. LMAO.
Even strange for someone who is eternal and lives on the modern valhalla where you have internet coverage.? LOL.
The Holographic Mind No matter how fast you're going or how far you've gone , I can know whether you exist or not . We share the moment . Should it be known to anyone that you have existed but now do not , your current non-location may be understood as spirit . But now , how to locate the dead body ?
The body goes back to dust.....but check out where the soul goes.... Scientists discover that the human soul cannot die, it goes back to the Universe! – Native Daily News
Ok , I checked it out . The silent soul may say that the body is dead , just the moment before that it speaks into your future lovingly . What's better than that ? that the living human had been a good writer thinking of the days to come . Memoirs are sort of useless . Dream the old and dead unto youthfulness , yet not to be reborn .
I wrote my memoirs on this forum...well half anyway...and I got over 6,000 views. Everyone must learn the lessons to rise to enlightenment. That's why reincarnation gives so many chances. Jesus spoke a lot about's just one.....Matthew 17:10-13 Jesus learned about it in Tibet, between the ages of 12 and 30, when he hung out with the Buddhists.
Your past life is from embryo to about age 3 . It is enlightenment to remember your existence before social language came to dominate your thinking ? It can be to remember 'the essence of first light' . Reincarnation is an interpretation made with social language . Yes , it may sound reasonable and may be emotionally sensible . Singing 'om ; always going home . m'dihiss : essence of first light , seeking power
Reincarnation is for learning the lessons....just like failing in school, you must take the class again. Ignorance is not knowing, stupid is refusing to learn.