The Gilded Age...

Discussion in 'History' started by Jimbee68, Feb 9, 2023.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    The Gilded Age, as Mark Twain named it, is a very interesting time in U.S. history. U.S. history books rarely talk about it. And I suspect I know why. It was a very dark and evil period in American history, certainly nothing we should be proud of. But a lot the social progress and social movements, as well as technology we just take for granted, had their seeds in this time.

    As I said, I think history books in the US rarely cover it. But I am glad they did in my high school. People really need to learn about this period in U.S. history.

    Gilded Age - Wikipedia
    Echtwelniet and Toker like this.
  2. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Very good and interesting article. I read about the Gilded Age when I was pretty young and consequently have been a leftist / union man , pretty much my entire adult life. Remnants of Gilded Age behavior remain in act and deed today and the republicans have always proven to be enthusiastic and hardy supporters of such and are very much anti union and believers in Darwin-istic social and economic results , IMO. It's been a constant struggle over the decades to gain wage increases, labor laws protecting workers, laws prohibiting children from being exploited and worked as if they were adults, etc, etc. It's a struggle that will and SHOULD endure.
  3. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    I saw the series Gilded Age, it was well done and covered the things you both mentioned.
    scratcho likes this.
  4. Echtwelniet

    Echtwelniet Visitor

    US history(industry/banks/politics)......always intersting............root of all current evil(finance/economics)

    Thanks for the links :D

    ~Zen~ likes this.

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