Today we are talking about mezcal, not to be confused with mescaline, the psychotropic entheogen. In Mexico they have been fermenting and drinking the liquid from the hearts of agaves for centuries. Then along came the Spanish with their stills made of copper for making rum from sugarcane. Hillside of blue agaves. Soon they developed a way to harvest and roast the 'pinas' or kernels of the agave plants, then crushing the liquid out. This gets distilled as many as three times before aging in barrels. Roasted pinas waiting to be crushed. A jar of pickled worms for the bottles. Not all mezcal has a worm in the bottle! It should be very thick, and at least 45% alcohol. A good mezcal has the distiller's name on the label. This tequila, is techincally a mezcal, but from the designated area for ONLY tequila. This blue agave of theirs has a hidden surprise inside (it is not a worm).
Aah my old friend tequila. I got many people drunk with tequila at wedding parties. Needless to say you know it was the good kind when you wake up the next day still drunk off your ass
Now there is an interesting situation... to be avoided! They drink a LOT of mezcal and Tequila around these parts. I am happy to hear the Mezcal bar is reopened, gives me an excuse to try various kinds and types from all over Mexico.
Back in the day when they issued a 'tot' of Rum to Navy ratings, the Captain of the Tanker I served on managed to wangle a keg of Rum from his Royal Navy friends. Standing Bridge watch in the earlyand very cold mornings, a large mug of Cocoa spiced with a tot of navy rum was always very welcome and stopped you falling asleep.
And it sounds quite delicious also! I have stood watch at night crossing the Atlantic on a sailboat. Wish I had some of that for the 4 AM shift!
The last time I was drinking Tequila, I bumped my hands on a couple of stupid things, that’s what I was told as I do not recall
I find that a shot of tequila can boost my mood, bring a smile to my face. Two shots and I start rambling... Three puts me to bed.