THE CURRENT QUALITY OF TIME The quality of time in September is still marked by the strong tension between Mars in Aries and Saturn in Capricorn. The tenacious struggle for solutions will continue. However, the mood changes noticeably in the course of the month, as Mars turns retrograde and Jupiter and Saturn turn direct. At the start of the month, there is an opportunity to sort a few things out. Concurrent with the Pisces Full Moon on September 2, Saturn receives an opposition from Venus and a trine from Mercury. The Sun forms a trine to Uranus and the Moon forms a wide conjunction with Neptune. During this time, feelings can be strong and personal needs can be great. However, instead of being swept away by emotions, you can use the opportunity to redefine what you really need. Try to consciously refrain from compensating actions or sidestepping tendencies and find out how you can find more inner harmony. Venus makes a square to Mars on September 4 and enters Leo on September 6. An inner radiance can then help you to find unexpected resonance in the world around you. On September 10, Mars in Aries becomes stationary retrograde (until November 14). During its retrograde phase it will form squares with Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto. All of the latter are within the range of the positions they held last spring and are thus linked to the themes of that time. Now, the consequences of the events around Covid-19 must be dealt with. Behind all this, however, there is a deeper conflict, the main issue being whether to return to normality or whether the former normality is actually the problem itself. Jupiter ends its retrograde phase on September 13, and Jupiterʹs solution is usually called "even more". Presumably, big and expensive ideas will be presented again and partially implemented. However, a cautious attitude towards such interventions is called for. Towards the end of the month, on September 29, Saturn also ends its retrograde phase. At the same time, it will square to the Mars-Lilith conjunction. The Sun, in Libra since September 22, forms an opposition to Chiron in Aries. The Jupiterian solution of "even more" will therefore hardly be sustainable. Any structural weaknesses are now becoming more apparent again, the mood is becoming more nervous, and here and there fuel is probably being added to the fire. There will be fights with no holds barred, because some have a lot to lose. This message is from Astrodienst,
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