As I have alluded to many times before in these boards, I think coincidences are no accident. They are clearly put here by some higher power. Whether that higher power is God or some ancient astronaut, I don't know. Here is my take on the sculptures on Mount Rushmore: Anyways, for some time now, I have been musing about the Liberty Bell. It has a big crack in it. Could that be no accident? I mean, could someone be trying to tell us, our liberties are imperfect? Because the Liberty Bell has a big crack in it? Sounds silly. But surely I am not the first to think this. Or am I? unk:
so many flaws generated by stressful motivations, to cut corners and shorten time. the damd thing cracked, because somewhere along the line someone didn't have the patience to allow things to be done right. seems to happen for different motivations under every ideology. but under all of the so far, they do.
the damd thing was already cracked when it came out of the mold. don't take my word for it. look it up. volumes have been written about it. and written a long time ago. as in not long after it was made. if you want to take it as symbolic of flawed concepts, well of course, but its not like this is something new that just recently happened.