Due to the fact that the PLANET EARTH rotates at 1070 miles/hour at the EQUATOR and the friction with the us surrounding atmosphere produces ENERGY. Exactly the same way as energy is created in a turbine. This energy, is all around us and also accumulates in clouds. However at times these clouds have to discharge this load of energy especially when they reach land after passing the long sea stretch of the Atlantic or Indian ocean reaching negative LAND. That's why there are certain areas where there is more lightning than anywhere else, such as the Lightning street in Florida, in Nigeria and Brazil. (Wikipedia) Now don't believe all those POSSIBLE causes of lightning our so-called scientist publish on Wikipedia for they just think they found it. However with logical thinking I discovered that it is this very COSMIC ENERGY or LIFE ENERGY that makes life on the planet EARTH possible. No other planet have this combination of atmosphere and rotation as far as we know now, and NASA should be looking for such a planet to find aliens. Maybe only the planet SIRIUS B, since the Dogon tribe in Mali worship the "Gods" that visited them thousands of years ago. Sirius B cannot even be seen from the earth, but the Dogon know where it is. (See "DOGON") Anyway it is this LIFE-ENERGY that Plants, Animals and People collect and in our body this energy is divided along a system of energy lines (meridians) to make our 12 vital organs work they are supposed to work. The Chinese discovered this already 5000 years ago, called it "CHI" and acupuncture is based on this. Human life is impossible without this energy, and any blockade in the flow of energy will cause sickness and disease, don't tell your doctor!!!
hmmmmmm....are you doctor? all very intersting things you write here...I believe in energy whole heartedly......and how some of it helps, and other types can hurt......
Life-energy? Lightning is the accumulation of electric charges in clouds due to the movement of water droplets. the electrical charges can build up to millions of volts until there is a large enough difference in charge between the clouds and earth that the air itself becomes a conductor and current flows in order to bring the electric charge back to equilibrium. a huge electric arc. if you were struck by lightning, i doubt you would call it a life force, as it probably very well will take your life.
Sorry, but your "logical thinking" seems quite empty of scientific knowledge. Drug-induced, perhaps? That's what it sounds like to me. You really shouldn't present your half-baked ideas as the truth. I would suggest that you say this is your opinion, instead of trying to convert us to your way of "thinking".
it's similar to a fluorescent light bulb. fluorescent tubes contain a low pressure gas, there is a difference in voltage between the ends so electric current flows through the gas in the tube. air is normally not electrically conductive, but if the voltage is high enough the electrons will be stripped from the air molecules forming a conductive plasma which carries the current, even over great distances, if the voltage is great enough. nature favors equilibrium .. it is the laws of thermodynamics
When I lived on the coast, I used to love to watch the lightning from the beach at night. Awesome. That split second when the cliffs were all lit up...
I like to think of lightning as .. somebody on Earth is brainstorming. Whenever there's lightning I think, oh cool .. somebody somewhere is gettin' smart! haha Or maybe Earth itself is thinking. mmhmm.
Well a lot of cultures in the past thought it was the gods showing off or fighting or whatever. Zeus or Thor blasting their enemies. Then there's the thunderbird....
a difference of electrical potential, greater then the resistance of air. this is not a philosophical question.
but they only work on Alternating Current because when voltage is applied the electrons are bumped to the next "state", when the voltage is off, the electrons drop back to their original state and the energy is released as light/heat. This happens at 60 cycles per second, also the reason that a CRT monitor with the refresh rate set to 60hz in a room with fluorescent lighting will "flicker" and often induce headaches because the refresh rate of the monitor and the lights are the same. Regarding the OP's ideas........Uhm, no.