An atheist pointed out to us in 2001, in the Ten Commandments. There's nothing about lying, vandalism, fornication, witchcraft, fraud, libel or slander, fortune telling, etc. Now homosexuality it does say elsewhere in the Bible is punishable by death. So is adultery. And adultery (which is property and paternity offense, not sexual) is only punished when the woman does it, as at common law (read "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne). But in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus points out a man can commit adultery in his heart though (think of Jimmy Carter).
The Ten Commandments aren't a complete list of things that are wrong to do, at least if you're Jewish. Check out Leviticus: incest; eating pork, lobster, camels, or fat, etc.; wearing mixed fabrics; touching an unclean animal or a corpse; cross-breeding animals; trimming your beard; getting tattoos, etc. Gentiles are only bound by the seven Noahide laws, which forbid: idolatry; blasphemy; murder; theft; eating parts of a living animal; sexual misconduct (including adultery, incest, homosexuality); and lawlessness.