Whats the best grass you have ever smoked? And was it real expensive? SOrry if there is already a thread like this.
oh so i guess thats why u put "My own,NL5xKush" sorry about that, how much ganja did all those plants make?
What I have right now knocks me on my ass, not the best I've ever smoked, but definitely one of the best.
Woah I saw some that looked just like that once but I didnt get a chance to smoke it. The stuff I did the other night they said was really good but it didnt mess me up a whole lot, but then again I only took 2 hits from a blunt. Post more!
the stuff i just picked up about 2 hours ago from my dealer is the best stuff i eva smoked. i roled a jacob, and after 2 tokes i got a massive headrush and after smoking 3 joints i was quite literally trippin! cheers peace
the best grass i ever smoked was the first grass i ever smoked- we only really get hash over here in scotland. my mother and i went to amsterdam for a long weekend break and on our last night i coaxed my mother into a cafe and we sparked up a blunt after one toke i was swimming in music-amazing. i think itit was a misty strain and it was beautiful!its a shame though nothin has ever lived up to it yet. i took a wee baggie of it home and my friend and i went down to the river- we live in the country- on one of those hazy summer evenings and just got really high. oh happy days