The best day of my life is usually when I scored a job I was after. When I got married, twice. And when I am after a house I love and really want and the offer is accepted. Those are usually the most stressful till you know the outcome, especially the purchase of a new home but once all said and done then its like the first say of your new life. Always the best then.
My best day is always the most recent day I can remember having a great experience that involves good music, dancing, food, drink, and friends, or a profound natural scenic experience on top of a mountain. I try to do both several times a year.
The day I was born,for the obvious reason that without that day none of the subsequent ones would have occurred.
Hmmmm.....interesting question, for sure.....but do not have an answer at the moment...I try to make some best moments every day.....though.... and how about you, OP? What was your best day?
The day my son was born. Hands down. (although soon I'm sure I'll be having another best day of my life too.)
well my best days have never involved the birth or death of anyone. my worst days either. i think i had some pretty good days working for the railroad, and that time on a drill rig out in nevada's high desert. i think i'd have to say the day my pension started coming in. that felt good to be one thing to finally not have to worry about. probably the day's i've bought things at train and computer stores, the days i've been able to move to relatively quiet places to live. mostly material things i'm sorry to say. things i can and do make things with and enjoy. there have been days that have been great just to be able to get out and wonder around. the days i've ridden intercity trains. the days i've gone to furry, science fiction and model railroading conventions. there really isn't though, any one day i can absolutely single out as that much more wonderful then any one other. the day i got my honorable discharge from the air force was pretty good too.
Probably buying my house. Amon Amarth concerts too. Honestly, every day is pretty much the best day of my life because I'm not a cow who sits and dwells on too much. Even if it's a pretty rough day, I've a girl to hold and hide my face in her hair. Yep, I look at every given day as a best day.
My 4 sum with 3 models that I met at the Casino. I drove a long ass way multiple weekends after just to see them
i won't go that far. but i am at an age to be thankful for each of them. (days that is. not stray bed-mates. lol. never bedded anyone i wasn't committed to.)
I can't narrow it down to one day. But some of the best days were the day my daughter was born, the day I got kicked out of the British Army, the day I tried LSD, the day (actually night) when I first had sex with a fully compatible woman, the day I left school, first rave I went to, on and on.
I don't dwell on things either. The one thing that annoys me more than ANYTHING is the people I call the "shoulda, woulda, coulda people" .... people who sit around and cry about spilled milk. Not my thing at all. That said, no way in hell has every single day of my life been my best day ever. lol. Not even close. (I do make most days pretty damn good though)
I mentioned my best day ever as the day my son was born and as I said, hands down no other day compares (although my daughter soon being born I'm sure will equal)....HOWEVER....raves/rolling one of the first couple times def up there, up there, up there.
Ditto to this. I wish I could say the day my son was born but it was actually a really stressful day. My landlord threatened to unlawfully evict us while I was in labor and my partners family had some major drama in the hospital and rushed into the room after he was born and completely overwhelmed me. We kicked them out and enjoyed one hour of quiet blissful time before letting them in again, so I had the best hour of my life. I've had many of the best days of my life with my son since then. Other than that, any time I'm with my friends in nature or listening to them play music count amongst the best days of my life. The day I found myself falling in love for the first time also stands out in my mind.