I find this to be a plausible explanation. http://www.newstarget.com/2016-04-19-has-the-mystery-of-the-bermuda-triangle-been-solved-collossal-underwater-methane-blowouts-could-be-the-cause.html
Its plausible but it doesn’t explain the Dragon’s Triangle in the Pacific which is equally notorious for sinking ships and other mysterious disappearances Hotwater
Perhaps but I would need to see proof. Someone once suggested if there are Sunspots (which are known to be associated with strong magnetic fields) then there must also be Earth spots associated with a phenomenon yet to be identified Hotwater
There are certainly Natural; even if it be unusual, phenomenon which can offer explanation however, Science has yet to provide all the answers - here's one - 'Natural Phenomenon is not so Natural - with an 'Alien Entity' having a degree of Control this particular area - for their areas - I mean, i'm sure there are probably more 'Areas' than 51
But the Bermuda Triangle myth has been debunked for many years. So there's nothing really to explain. I did part of my Navy flight school at the Pensacola FLA NAS. I must've flown over at least a part of that triangle three dozen times. Never ever noticed any sort of abberation insofar as my electronics or avionic or nav systems. And as far as I knew, neither did any of my colleagues. Nor did any of our instructors ever mention the Triangle. In fact, it was something of a joke. Like teasing kids about the boogie man. LOL Many studies and number crunches have been done that showed the propensity of missing aircraft and surface vessels in the Triangle were never even really any more so than other areas around the globe that have similar weather patterns. In fact, that very observation is mentioned beat the end of the linked article here in the OP.
storms mostly, and once upon a time pirates, the latter readily explain the marry celest sort of thing. they've since moved on to other parts of the world, pirates that is. the storms are still there. being generated there and hitting the u.s. and other countries in and around the region. i wouldn't argue that strange things never happen in clear air, but if someone says they're no more likely to happen there then elsewhere, i have no problem believing this is the case.
Granted there strong evidence to explain away the Bermuda Triangle, but so far no one has an explanation for the Bridgewater triangle in Southeastern Massachusetts which encompasses an area of over 200 square miles and claims to be the site of paranormal activity ranging from Ghost hauntings, to Bigfoot sightings, to UFO activity
and THAT could account for high losses of commercial ships and aircraft in out of the way places where they could be ditched with minimal to no risk of observation. in almost, ALL of those 'triangle' locations. (includes the bermuda, but maybe not the one in mass)