The absorbtion

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by bourne1978, Jan 30, 2024.

  1. bourne1978

    bourne1978 Members

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    The infinity is produced by the infinite and the finite.
    The times and the eternity are produced by the infinity and the infinite and the finite and eternal.

    When you absorb this little insight into your way of thinking you'll then figure it all out.

    God and Goddess have an infinity of extensions of themselves making up beasts. Beasts are attractive humans with the support of their higher up infinite and finite and eternal selves called God and Goddess.

    The overall purpose of a God and a Goddess, co-existing as a martial void, is to mate as beasts in ultimate realities they are responsible for molding out of their limited and unlimited powers.
  2. bourne1978

    bourne1978 Members

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    To give a better understanding. All 6 on the list below are of each other. There are just two extreme equal opposite sides to each, because of a God and a Goddess, that are complimenting each other. There would be no such thing as mating if God and Goddess weren't the complimenting one another kinds.

    The infinite
    The finite
    The infinity
    The times
    The eternity
    The eternal
  3. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Whoever designed the human brain, did a good job of ensuring that it could never comprehend infinity.
    My definition is, "The fastest route to the nut house".

    When I thought about it in my youth, I considered writing a one, then covering the entire universe in zero's I could try to give you an example on here, but Skip would ban me before I crashed the HF server.

    Mentally, I am just past Venus and the pen has just run out, so now I am trying to comprehend an infinite number of pens.

    I need to go now. A couple of guys in white coats are knocking on the door. An infinite number of cups of tea should keep them happy for the next few trillion years..

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