Over this past weekend I racked up $500 in ER copays. I have yet to see the rest of what I am going to have to pay. I went to the ER Saturday morning in extreme pain, then went back Sunday for a followup that was mentioned in the paperwork I was given Saturday. I was assuming the followup was included in the cost of the original copay, but no. I had to pay an additional $250 copay out of pocket simply for them to write me a prescription for five fucking Norco and Ativan. The receptionist told me they used to waive the copay for 24 hour followups, but no longer do "because of the insurance companies." In other words, because of Obamacare. Gotta pay for all the unemployed scumbags who shit out kids one after the other. I swear, in America it pays to simply do nothing, leech off the system, pop out a bunch of kids, and survive on the dole of taxpayers as opposed to actually work.
Healthcare doesn't exist... Wealthcare on the other hand is out of control. __________________________ Where do you get the idea my healthcare is free?
sorry i don't see what obama had to do with the insurance industry that was running the show before, and the compromise that so called conservatism forces, was to keep the insurance industry running it. don't blame someone who may have wanted to fix the system, for the system making him look bad to keep from being fixed. that IS the 'political right's usual tactic. also don't forget, 'obamacare' is 'romnycare'. sure any attempt to fix anything can be manuvered into making it worse, and the fat fingers of politics usually do. the more so, a politics that has already been usurped by economic feudalism.
Do you genuinely believe those people are happy living off the public dole, that they have no self-respect, no honor, and believe they are entitled to receive benefits rather than work to improve their lives? Hotwater
I hear you. I really do. Healthcare sucks. But i dont get why you are falling into the trap of blaming the poorest and most disenfrachised?
Well, I realize that Obama, like all presidents, is nothing more than a puppet, so of course it isn't really his mandate. And of course I realize that not everyone living off the public dole is happy to do so, but there are many who have grown accustomed to living off the toil of others, including the government itself. Basically the entire system is fucked. I am normally not one to point the finger or scapegoat those who are down and out, but frankly it gets old when you don't even make a lot of money yourself, yet you have to pay for those who decide they're not going to work but only suck off others who do. The system enables this type of thing so they can offer something completely tyrannical and unconstitutional like Obamacare as some sort of solution to the health care crisis they created.
So where does the money come from to pay for those people? Out of a magic hat? People don't realize the government and the insurance companies work together. They're really not two separate entities. At least not anymore.
thank god, i was starting to worry about you. i half expected your next post to be telling us about the importance of voting.
And when you get out of the military free healthcare for you and your family. In my case through the New England VA Healthcare system. Yes, it takes forever to make an appointment but you can't beat the cost. Hotwater
Obviously public assistance of any kind comes from taxes. And obviously government and healthcare work together - the travesty of obamacare proves this But people on public assistance do not cause your copays and deductibles. I work in healthcare billing. Healthcare companies get lower pay outs from government plans, but billing a government plan guarantees payment everytime. Healthcare companies lose the most money in insured individuals whose insurance does not pay a dime until the deductible is met, thus sticking the majority of the cost to the patient. You're basically paying thousands a year for insurance that doesnt kick in until you pay thousands out of pocket. And now it is mandated. You cant really opt out. Yeah, it is one of the greatest scams ever seen between the private sector and the government..but it still has very little to do with people taking public assistance.
It appears that insurance companies are dumping unprofitable accounts as The Affordable Care Act does not prohibit that. As those accounts are dumped the uninsured have to go elsewhere and pay higher rates. At the same time they keep jacking up the price of premiums each year for no apparent reason and as more people are now being covered they make more money. Their profits are soaring, UnitedHealth Group made $10.3 billion in profits in 2014 a 375% increase since 2010. "Health Net’s share price has increased 224 percent since March 2010. Anthem’s is up 238 percent over the same time period. Aetna’s 290 percent. Cigna’s 305 percent. And Humana’s 309 percent." ~ 1 So why haven't they passed on the windfall to their customers in the form of lower premiums, co-pay, or deductibles? Greed. Maybe we need some more regulation...not less.
My cousin has x number of many hours to become a helicopter pilot for business. He can't get a job, cause those that served get hired first. They not even interested in his flying ability. Dude not killed so he ruled out.