Fellow book lovers, I'm a book publicist, and one of the books that I've been recently promoting has been prominently mentioned on this site. I wish I could say this exposure was due to my efforts, but it isn't. A bit of online research led me to your collective posts, as several of your members have been touting 'Beneath a Marble Sky: A Novel of the Taj Mahal'. This novel has taken off with remarkable speed. It is now a bestseller, and a major movie is in the making. One of the reasons for the success of 'Beneath a Marble Sky' is the fact that there is a substantial online buzz propelling it forward and upward. I was talking with the author, John Shors, the other day, and he mentioned that he'd like to somehow repay all of people who had helped spread the word about his novel in Cyberspace. Both of us think that this online buzz greatly benefited his novel, and has led to its quick rise to prominence. Anyway, John wanted me to thank you for your support. Additionally, if any of you have any questions you'd like to ask him, whether about writing, finding an agent, the world of publishing, or his novel, John would be happy to answer them. This is one small token of his appreciation for the support he's received. If you have any such questions, feel free to email him at shors@aol.com. Put 'Beneath a Marble Sky' in the subject line, so that he'll know he's not receiving spam. If you have any questions for me, please email me at fictionis4me@yahoo.com, and I'll do my best to answer your queries. BTW, if you'd like additional information on this novel, please visit www.beneathamarblesky.com. Again, John and I both thank you for your time, your thoughts, and all of your support. Best wishes, Julie Fields