Thank you feminism

Discussion in 'Feel Good Feminism' started by Glasshopper, Jan 25, 2014.

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  1. Glasshopper

    Glasshopper Struggling for sanity

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    "Feminism is about fighting for equality for BOTH sexes, look it up it's in the dictionary...duh"
    If I had a nickel for every time I have heard that, I would be VERY wealthy.

    Well feminist I just want to thank you...

    I want to thank you for fighting against the extreme unfairness (84%) in parental custody and making sure all fathers get 50% custody always (unless unfit) and an even split of support payments.

    Thank you for fighting against men paying for children that are not his simply because his mate cheated and lied to him, thanks for telling judges and law makers thats not in any way fair (30% of those named as fathers who test for paternity find they are not the biological father).

    Thank you for fighting against the impending doom and disposability ALL men get to feel (in the us) by being forced to register with selective service and either working to stop it or at least the equal registration of women.

    Thank you for rallying for paternal financial abortion so men can walk away form their responsibilities as easily as women can.
    This would stop predatory pregnancies (our wallets our choice!)

    Thanks for championing the incredible differences in the number of homeless males verses females.

    Thanks you for fighting against the inequality of men being 97% of war casualties.

    Thanks for saying it isn't fair that women get every veteran’s benefit a man does, yet comprise less than 3% of combat deaths or casualties and a woman makes the cover of Time magazine (military) person of the year/2003 standing in front of two men.

    Thanks for trying to help the men that comprise 80% of the suicides and trying to alleviate or even just understand their suffering (hint: the vast majority is estranged fathers).

    Thanks for saying there is no equality in the workplace because men comprise 97% of the work related deaths.

    Thanks for fighting the gender disparity in the lowest paying most thankless jobs that without MEN performing them, society would completely collapse.

    Thanks for not fighting against words like work men, fire men & police men. (but fighting words like con men & gunman.)

    Thank you for being honest about domestic spouse abuse and admitting women comprise 49% of the initiators of violence (and are more likely to use a weapon) the fact you fight the very sexist adds showing men as perpetrator and women as victim is a credit to your equality. The CDC reports that in cases of non-reciprocal intimate partner violence (one directional) that women are more than twice as likely to be the aggressor. The report cites that women comprise 70% of perpetrators, men 29%.

    Thank you for trying to stop the fact that when men seek assistance after experiencing intimate partner violence, they frequently encounter a lack of services and workers in the domestic violence industry who are hostile to them.

    Thank you for trying to get funding for battered mens shelters (there is but ONE battered "womens" shelter in the entire US that accepts men at all).

    Thank you for calling out the end violence campaigns and admitting men are the victims of 76% of the homicides instead of only focusing on abuse women suffer.

    Thanks for protecting our children and admitting women are responsible for the majority of childhood abuse.

    Thank you for your compassion in understanding that the victims of rape related to childhood sexual abuse are more often male than female, 6.7% to 5.6% respectively.

    Thanks for also admitting that 2.1% of men reported forced vaginal sex compared to 1.6% of women in a relationship.

    Thanks for crying rape when 94% of sexually abused youth in correctional facilities reported being abused by female staff.

    Thanks for also ensuring rape punishment when among inmates reporting staff sexual misconduct, ~ 65% reported a female aggressor.
    Additionally, the rates of inmate-on-inmate sexual abuse reported by women were dramatically higher than the corresponding rates reported by men: among prisoners, 6.9 percent versus 1.7 percent. Men, on the other hand, reported higher rates than women of sexual misconduct by staff members (most of which is committed by staff of the opposite sex), and in juvenile detention, boys reported much higher rates of abuse by staff than girls did—most, again, committed by women.

    Thanks for making sure the rapist is punished when 50% of homeless youth reported being sexually abused by a female.

    Thanks for not laughing when you see women strike men on tv and understanding the ridicule we face when trying to report abuse to the police. Also for ensuring fairness when you see a woman hit a man in public while police watch then when he had enough and strikes back the cops tackle beat and arrest him and him only.

    Thank you for helping the vastly outrageous discrepancy in spending and research in womens health issues versed mens health issues.

    thank you for fighting against blatant anti-male discrimination in the criminal justice system and the sentencing disparity between men and women exceeds that between whites and any other minority.
    women receive 40% lighter sentences for the same crime with the same criminal history.
    (Avg sentences for crime by gender: Female – 18.51 months, Male – 51.52 months).

    Thanks for rallying the women against false accusations, 205 (and growing) wrongly convicted people have been exonerated by DNA evidence since the beginning of the Innocence Project. 204 of the wrongly convicted were men. Most of them were falsely imprisoned for rape.

    Thanks for fighting against the 99% of death penalty executions that are men considering women commit, by DOJ estimates, 10% of all murders, are involved in 35% of all domestic homicides (are involved often means they get other people to kill for them) and nearly 30% of murders where the victim was another family member.

    In summary, men experience systematic discrimination in parenting, domestic violence policies, education, criminal sentencing, paternity, forced labor, military conscription, public health policies, genital integrity, false accusations, reproductive rights, portrayal by the media and in the coverage of their issues by the news media.

    To you feminist who actually have a fuck to give about men and DO SOMETHING other than lip service about these issues, if you get your local feminist groups to help with these issues,
    (if you DO exist) I most sincerely and humbly thank you.

    To the rest of you so called "equalist feminist" who are self deluded and duplicitous well, either quit lying to yourself or this song is for you..."]You Are A **** Song - YouTube

    An ideology is not defined by the dictionary but by the actions (or inactions) of those who hold it.
  2. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I thought everything was defined in the dictionary but not by the dictionary.
  3. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    I'm sure if you found a dictionary published in Stalinist Russia, it might define capitalism as a form of disease, etc.

    Perfect objectivity does not exist, and often things that are supposed to be objective are blatantly political.
  4. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Definately. So it is defined BY humans :cheers2: Most dictionaries I use (and it just so happens I do not have a stalinist soviet dictionary :p) seem to strive to be objective though.
  5. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    The Stalinist dictionary would probably strive to be objective too, except when overwhelming political forces acted on it.

    If there is political debate over the definition of a term, a dictionary can not give a single, accurate definition of a term that does not include elements of the political debate.

    By the same token, I'm sure Fox News and MSNBC both claim to be objective journalism.
  6. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Probably. So that's why it is advisable to look objectively for the ones who seem to be more objective than the stalinist soviet union one or Fox news.
    Or are you saying there aren't dictionaries that are trying to be more objective than stalinist soviet union propaganda or fox news?
  7. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    I guess what I'm saying is that you should never turn off your brain and assume that what is in the dictionary, or any other publication, is apolitical.

    There can be both intentional and unintentional bias.

    I suppose that there are dictionaries that are trying to be more objective than others. I'm not sure how you identify those dictionaries though, and whether they have succeeded in their goal or not.

    What sociologists tell us is that in human organizations, there is always a subtext, a way that an organization functions that differs from its official definition.
  8. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Feminism was a CIA creation, as was Gloria Steinem; their top feminist asset.
  9. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    Tell that to these women
  10. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I agree, it is defined both by the official definition and actual reality and to find out we should have use for both. And not turn our brain off while we're at it naturally.
  11. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    I LOLed, but I think he probably means second wave feminism... which is also the one that most people hate.

    I really don't think that even the majority of men's rights people today think that women shouldn't have the right to vote or take care of themselves.
  12. redgingergirl

    redgingergirl Member

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    I find it odd that glasshopper brought up some great points and instead of analysing what he said a tangent was started that doesn't evaluate the statements that were made. We all know that what you write in a book is not necessarily true. so instead of focusing on dictionary definitions of feminism, why don't we discuss their actions instead.
  13. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Trolling feels bad. Doesn't it?
  14. Glasshopper

    Glasshopper Struggling for sanity

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    Charge of Hypersensitivity (Code Blue) – The Crybaby Charge
    Discussion: The target is accused of being hysterical or exaggerating the problems of men (i.e., he is accused of playing “Chicken Little”). Examples:

    • “Stop whining!”
    • “Get over it!”
    • “Suck it up like a man!”
    • “You guys don’t have it as nearly as bad as us women!”
    • “You’re just afraid of losing your male privileges.”
    • “Your fragile male ego …”
    • “Wow! You guys need to get a grip!”
    Response: One who uses the Code Blue shaming tactic reveals a callous indifference to the humanity of men. It may be constructive to confront such an accuser and ask if a certain problem men face needs to be addressed or not (“yes” or “no”), however small it may be seem to be. If the accuser answers in the negative, it may constructive to ask why any man should care about the accuser’s welfare since the favor will obviously not be returned. If the accuser claims to be unable to do anything about the said problem, one can ask the accuser why an attack is necessary against those who are doing something about it.

    Are you trying to deny these grave issues exist for men or just saying they should not be talked about?
  15. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    The Joe Pesci: The Joe Pesci wants to argue. Anything you say, even if they actually seem to agree with it, will be argued and you will be a horrible insulting person for it. Anything you say can be jumped on for a semantic argument or for a fight with them having taken personal offense.
  16. Duck

    Duck quack. Lifetime Supporter

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    It's like you two were made for each other.
  17. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  18. Glasshopper

    Glasshopper Struggling for sanity

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    So how about not playing games and address at least ONE of the issues.

    How can I "Joe Pesci" when all you did was accuse me of being a troll because you cant discuss anything real?

    You offered nothing except a troll accusation then you straw man Joe.
    All I am trying to do is point out the hypocrisy of so called "equalist" feminist.
    as stated in the op if you call yourself one and really champion for mens rights too then thanks,
    if not then...

    Is that all you can do is attack?

    I will ask again about the 2000 lbs elephant in the room...
    Are you trying to deny these grave issues exist for men or just saying they should not be talked about?
  19. redgingergirl

    redgingergirl Member

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    What is your problem? You can never debate about the topic! You always come in with your hate speech start a bunch of trouble so you can get threads locked that disagree with your feminist programming. You never bring anything to the table except a bunch of ignorant dribble. You wanna disagree? Fine! You wanna argue that the statements made are wrong? Fine! But you need to to debate logically using facts. You have attacked glasshopper and have labelled him something that he is not because you can't answer the question. So answer me this do you think that men deserve equal rights? If so what have you done to help them?
  20. sunshine186

    sunshine186 midnight toker

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    Seriously guys? This thread is awesome.

    Aerianne's comment was light hearted, and made after new girl here pointed out the fact that the first two boys were not discussing the issue of "equalist feminism", but rather about dictionary definitions.

    and some consider that trolling. I don't. I thought it was interesting, and moderately interesting. I don't believe she was calling the OP a troll.

    Calm your tits everyone.

    ETA: to discuss the topic, however. I thought the OP was ridiculous. The sarcasm was soooo drab I couldn't handle it. Of course men deserve equal rights. We've already had a thread just like this. There are a lot of things to dispute in this mess of a thread, but I'm not going to do that because I can't imagine putting that much time into a discussion that will inevitably go round and round in circles."]Billy Preston - Will It Go Round In Circles - YouTube
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