Texas Republican says House of reps has enough votes to impeach Obama

Discussion in 'Politics' started by rjhangover, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    I can't believe people are so dim witted. They're the same thing; Same interventionalist policies, same healthcare bill, same trashing the constitution- there was literally no difference between the 2.
  2. RIPTIDE59

    RIPTIDE59 Banned

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    Just when he realizes he has no cards ; scratch happens to find one. Lo and beho the race card.
  3. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You may want to follow someone else around for a while. And look up a couple 'a words==satire and hyperbole. Oh yeah and =fun.
  4. RIPTIDE59

    RIPTIDE59 Banned

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    Ever smoke from a hyper bowl?
  5. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Ok --I get it. Cute.
  6. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    You guys are seriously stockpiling food and weapons in the mountains and training for . . . for what? race riots? tax revolution? dear christ. the gun/terror/individualism mythos has completely dominated your life. Do you just consider the complete breakdown of society as a foregone conclussion, only a matter of weeks away before cannibalism and mass rape (done by government social workers and IRS accountants, of course) begins ravaging the land?
  7. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Well, I'm not a guy... I'm a female but since I mentioned prepping I will say that I stockpile some food, water, first aid and other medical supplies and antibiotics...
    and btw, I do not own any guns at all.
    And the reason why for me personally is because I believe there will likely be another very bad flu epidemic and I'd like to be able to survive it by not having to leave the house...
    or I believe the electrical grid will go down at some point. I think it is bound to happen and because people are so dependent on energy, most people will not be able to handle it and there will likely be riots.
    And yes, I have a plan if shit hits the fan of being able to head to my father in laws house who lives in the mountains...and he is a serious prepper. I do not know exactly what he is prepping for and honestly I don't care. I just know I have a safe place to go there... he even has about 20 years of coffee and wine stored with all his food. :)
    But in any case, yes, for me I do believe there will be SOME sort of emergency that will take food and water off of the grocery store shelves at some point... likely in the next 20 years. I cannot tell you exactly what but as I said, a flu or other disease epidemic or the grid going down seem to be SOME of the most likely for me.
    I don't invest a ton of time and energy into storing food/water/medical supplies but I'd rather my kid have a chance to live if we can't depend on going to the grocery store or pharmacy for a while.
    If you wanna try to say my post(s) had anything to do with guns, I'd love for you to find a post where I've mentioned anything about wanting a gun, because not only don't I have one, but I don't want one. That's just me. I don't care who has a gun or not personally..
  8. EL Tuna

    EL Tuna Member

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    Ill take my weapons. 'If' that time comes and the world goes to hell, There will be plenty of supplies I will take and god help anyone in my path. I have the weapons, The knowledge, Skill and resourcefulness to take care of business and keep my family safe from any harm.

    I don't need to stock pile anything, Ill go out and take what my family needs for free.
  9. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    You gonna carry all your great weapons and ammo around with you while pillaging from others? I guess we'll know where to go steal guns and ammo huh?
  10. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    See, it's people with that attitude that piss me off. Why should someone's elses family be more important than mine... ? If I store food to feed my kid why should someone be able to just take it? The thing that people don't understand I don't think is, I'd be more than happy to help people out if I was asked. Would likely exchange food for protection if things really got that bad that we needed protection. But why do I get the feeling so many people (certain people) would be just waiting to turn into animals?
  11. Summerhill

    Summerhill Member

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    Well its good to know you're not gona rely on your powers of persuation & social/communication skills ! LOL
  12. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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  13. EL Tuna

    EL Tuna Member

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    I like the conception that people buy 'one' of every gun. Smart money is on a shotgun, Rifle and a pistol and plenty of ammo and mags for each. Come and try, You would not make it close to where I would move to.

    If it comes to that, I don't care who I have to cut down to get what I need. Why should I care? The shit has already hit the fan and it cant get any worse? Im going to do what it takes to keep my family alive as long I can.

    You also assume I have a small family. To survive, You have to stick together and do what needs done and don't look back. Either way, I know im sitting pretty 'if' it happens and wont bother me a bit.
  14. Summerhill

    Summerhill Member

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    Yeah right,Baboons have evolved with the same mentality with great success. We may have found the 'missing link'!
  15. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Folks like the Tuna man are going to be very surprised when they come around to take from my family.
  16. EL Tuna

    EL Tuna Member

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    Oh well, This 'baboon' would blow you're head off for the simple fun of it and to see what splattered euro trash looks like.
    Think im joking, Come looking.
  17. EL Tuna

    EL Tuna Member

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    Believe what you want, You better be good at killing im not coming to shake hands.
  18. EL Tuna

    EL Tuna Member

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    Survival of the fittest. No laws, World went to hell, Why should I let my family go hungry when I can wipe one off and take theirs.

    There will be no laws and everyone for themselves. I don't give a shit who is in my way, I will drop them and keep moving. If you want to stay alieve in that type of world, You will be an animal too or go down like one.

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