Terminate All Governmental Largess

Discussion in 'Politics' started by LagunaBeach, Nov 22, 2016.

  1. LagunaBeach

    LagunaBeach Banned

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    I know single mothers who work 2 jobs to pay rent, keep food on tables, pay bills, and barely survive. All could go on welfare, live off of governmental largess, but none do.

    Those who can work must. If we were to terminate ALL governmental largess, those who have time to protest would stave for not working.

    LBJ created not a Great Society, but a society of lazy deadbeats who leach off those who do work. Either lazy deadbeats get jobs or they don't eat and don't sleep with roofs over their heads.

    BTW, LBJ's Great Society was a huge failure. No one can prove that it pulled a single person out of poverty. It is believed to have caused generational reliance on free shit. It has robbed people of self-esteem and productivity.
  2. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    You say that like working two jobs and barely surviving is a good thing.

    I would prefer to live in a world where people can not only survive but thrive working a standard 40 hours with time off to enjoy life, instead of working themselves to death and never actually living

    But thats just me.
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  3. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Oh, DUH!


    A light went on in my head today....

    I get it now.

    You may be young in your twenties and full of piss and vinegar now with your unrealistic horse shit....but I get it..Children of the Corn...F people who worked all of their lives doing hard physical labor or whatever and putting into a system they could rely on later and got to retirement age and don't have that kind of stamina anymore.......let them die....Disability people who really need it...f them, too...

    Why should I eexpect you to care when you do not care about crimes against nature either.

    One day you will come to a time...when you will look back on all your piss and vinegar....and it will swallow you up, too....mark my words...

    It is a good thing I can pull rabbits out of my ass with my creativity when I need to...but there will be no one who can afford to buy anything I do. I better start thinking of a Rowland big seller now....The middle class is going away...Only people like Trump and the kardashians will thrive.
  4. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Lazy bums like those who don't pay their fair share of taxes....Oh wait, billionaire presidents to be who don't pay taxes at all so as to not help those who are less fortunite then they are..that's what I meant.


    Yeah do away with large government, like the armed forces, FEMA, Social Security, Medicare, CHIP, the EPA, etc....lol
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  5. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    I'm fairly certain that when I need it, I'll be fooked out of social security. The trust in government I had when I first started working, 40 years ago, is gone.

    I probably deserve it for being one of those young assholes who lamented "old people".
  6. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    and I am not wishing that on people. I want them to get what they worked for starting 40 years ago or whatever.
    I am fighting on many levels here for lots of things.
    and I am disgusted with how an ageist society this has become.....

    People in their twenties and thirties think they are all that...yeah, well, you are not going to be all that forever going by your standards.

    I am happy my best friend, when I started out in life was a woman close to 80 years old, and she had more energy than most people at any age and was young at heart, so I never saw age...i saw people........but if people kept shouting you are old, worthless to her...I bet she would have started feeling that way.....

    Your words can affect how people feel about themselves.....and I hope it never happens to you.
  7. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    Some people seem to be confusing paying into a retirement plan or insurance vs. Paying into a charity for having more kids than you can afford.
    I ain't gonna defend trumps tax returns but he has created more jobs than the average person. Many of which could support a family.
  8. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    The Social Security trust fund is $2.8 trillion dollars. It has enough money to continue to accrue interest until 2025 and pay all benefits until the year 2036. It is entirely self sufficient and collects it's money from interest, worker and employee contributions. That's why it's called an entitlement. You are entitled to it.

    Currently you only pay Social Security tax on the first $118,500 you earn a year. So those making over that amount, say a million dollars a year, contribute the same amount into the fund as those making $118,500. Raise the cap and have those most able to contribute their fair share do so.
  9. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    Yes, and thanks for the lesson, but that has little to do with what I'm suggesting. It's a good plan on paper, especially if you blindly trust the government.
  10. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    Calling it a "trust fund" is almost as misleading as calling it a "lock box". Our lawmakers have been looting it for decades, and now the Republicans are talking about "saving" it by privatizing it and leaving us to the tender mercies of the corporate robber barons. Great White Father speak with forked tongue. That includes Trump!
  11. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    Privatizing was GW's plan. Imagine the effect if he had been successful in conning Americans to play the market with their future. When the recession hit, it would have wiped everybody out. It's those kinds of maneuvers that convince me social security is a fool's errand and a backup plan will likely become the only plan.
  12. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    But that's the Ryan Plan, isn't it?
  13. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    It's somebody's plan, I doubt GW thought of it by himself. It failed once, so they'll do it again and again till they get what they want.
  14. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    I think it's coming up soon. The Republican majority in the House has it high on the agenda, possibly this spring. Trump, to his credit, said he isn't for leaving seniors out in the cold. we'll see.
  15. LagunaBeach

    LagunaBeach Banned

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    What you're really mean is that you've chosen careers poorly, and you want American taxpayers to compensate you for your bad career choice.
  16. LagunaBeach

    LagunaBeach Banned

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    Social Security is not an entitlement. That's a liberal con job to include Social Security in the burgeoning group of governmental largess.

    Social Security is a contract between government and American workers who are FORCED to turn over a percent of their current earnings for the promise to repay at a later date.
  17. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Yeah i have no idea what you're talking about. I have a job with a fair wage and benefits and i dont take government benefits or even qualify for them

    What i actually really meant is that if a person works 40 hours a week they should make enough to live on without needing a second job or without taking government benefits. Companies should pay their workers a living wage, period.
  18. LagunaBeach

    LagunaBeach Banned

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    Social Security is insolvent and has been for at least a decade: http://www.forbes.com/sites/baldwin/2016/06/09/social-security-insolvency-when-and-what-to-do/#1ad8b8d25822

    The government prints fiat money to transfer to Social Security recipients with the horrendous consequence of future generations to repay bonds that are floated to keep the illusion of Social Security stability alive.

    The ratio of workers to Social Security recipients is ~2.7:1. This is wholly not sustainable.

    Our secured debt is 20 trillion bucks. But that's deceiving. Our unsecured debt is another ~200 trillion not counting debt of the Federal Reserve which taxpayers are on the hook. Add to that sum the astronomical debt of Obamacare. The reality is we're never going to be good for what we owe. In essence, we're bankrupt and have been for a long, long time. All that keeps this unsustainable scheme going is fiat money, which will lead to hyperinflation. Hyperinflation means the US dollar will be worthless. And it will happen. Then Americans will know economic calamity that'll make the Great Depression look like prosperity.

    There will be a horrendous cost to free shit that Americans think that they're entitled.
  19. LagunaBeach

    LagunaBeach Banned

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    No. Corporations should pay their workers consistent with supply and demand, not based upon opinions of people who foolishly believe that they're worth more than they're paid. If they're worth more, they'd be paid more or they'd move to an employer who is willing to pay workers what they think they deserve.
  20. LagunaBeach

    LagunaBeach Banned

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    BTW, Meliai, how's Bill Clinton's NAFTA working out for you? You are aware that Bill Clinton is directly responsible for America losing more than 40,000 factories and 10 million middle class jobs to foreign countries, are you not? Bill Clinton has decimated America's middle class. And this is Bill Clinton's depression. His housing policy created it.

    If Hillary would have won, she'd of destroyed what's remaining of America's middle class with TPP, and she'd of had us in another liberal/neocon false flag war with Iran within her first hundred days.

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