I need stories about falling in love, being in a healthy relationship, finding your soul mate, etc. Can I get some help with the overwhelmingness of falling in love and pushing it away, while still trying to be with that person, and trying to take things slow, although you feel like you've known that person forever and you have all these unexplainable things in common and you can understand each other even when you're literally not making any sense with your words. Someone tell me you know what I'm talking about!
You aren't crazy. That's how I feel about the relationship I'm in now! I met my boyfriend of 4 years at a mutual friends house right before he left the country for a few months. Right before he left he told me he really liked me but that asking me out then would be unfair to me so we settled on being friends. While he was gone we talked every single day and it was insane how many things we had in common! We even had the same opinion about things I thought no one else would ever agree with me on. I felt so connected with him even though we had only met in person a few times before he left! It was really scary, because I kept wondering if I was crazy, or if he would really be so amazing when he was back home, but it was still just such a wonderful feeling to just talk to him. He obviously felt the same way because he bought two tickets to a music festival before he was even home that must have cost him hundreds of dollars and asked me if I would go with him. Our relationship got physical almost immediately when he got back, since we had had almost 4 months of being together online. That was also insane! I had never had such a good time in bed with someone. And I'll admit my boyfriend kisses like a dead fish, but I don't even really care. I feel so good when I'm around him. We have barely been apart since, except when one or the other of us leaves for work (like right now waaaaa). I honestly can't imagine having this kind of relationship with anyone else! I definitely never felt this way in any of my past relationships, even the ones where I thought I loved the guy. I'm not sure I believe in soul mates, but if they are real I have definitely found mine. OK I might have gone on a bit too long there, but I hope that helped or whatever it was you were looking for. I got a bit gushy
what's to tell? its not a word thing. people are always making words about it. i love affection as much as anyone hearing to much all the time the same things to me gets not very interesting i wish everyone happiness in their lives i wish everyone could see how their indifference to how the affect the same world that surrounds everyone creates a world that makes everyone unhappy. would realize they were part of that same world and living in it themselves. you don't have to love someone, or even like them very much, to be reasonably considerate on general principals however un- daring and un romantic that might seam. i've never understood the attraction of those who wish to appear gentle, to those who do not. yet i have observed so often it seems to work that way, regardless of the genders, opposite or otherwise, involved. i love affection. but not so much as to support a world, that destroys the kind of world, i would rather live in. i wished when i was young, that everyone just loved each other and it would be no big deal. its not that i ever stopped thinking that would be a good thing, i just figured out pretty quick, at least where i lived, that it didn't often work that way. stories i've never been good at telling. plenty of things in my mind, but plot and conflict and all those things to make a story, they don't attract or interest me. well you can have stories that have challanges that are mechanical or environmental and don't have to be between people. that's why i love real science fiction and pretty much can't stand mainstream crap and don't watch much televison or movies. several times in my life i've met people who could stand to be around me for years and years and we did even was married once, for 13 years, till she up and died on me. that's the whole of it. or close enough.
In the early hours on a local street and a party far behind, and no sound but the beat of her heart and mine. The smell of her hair was my first breath, and her lips were my first kiss and my first step was a head down dive. I couldn't keep myself from falling, so she taught me to fly. In the morning light I wore her coat and all I wanted to know, was she trembling, from the feeling or the cold. When the sleepy town came to life I saw the answer in her eyes and always knew I'd have her hand to hold. Somethings don't need saying, you just feel them deep inside. You know that, all that feels like yesterday and how the time just slips away as if the blinding speed leaves you dead and cold. So whenever I feel those hands of time, tugging at this life of mine, I reach out and grab the warmest thing to hold. Somewhere down on that local street, somewhere back in time.. I wake up, to the beat of her heart and mine. I reach out and touch her hair, just to make sure that she's still there, and the dream I had is still by my side.
I found my soul mate a few years ago, but we cannot fall in love. But i loved every minute of being with her.
Why try to put this all into words when we can experience this drama firsthand But yeah, I kind of know what you are talking about. Always hard to put into words, not just because it is personal but also often a complex mix of feelings and thoughts so we would spend hours on it to try to put into words. Most likely feeling kind of unsatisfied after it anyway when rereading it and find the proverbial hammer did not 100% hit it on the head.
There is no such thing. It is all illusion..... i think falling in like is more important...truly liking someone for who they are.....and if you can add fireworks with that, then you really have someting.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnpmxRYeVuE
oh, wow, the melody ofthis went through my head last night and I just realized now that these were the words, too.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jewWk8k4V5k
I'm not talking about chemistry. I've had that before, this is different. Anyways, why use words, ummm cause it's a part of the human experience. It's a trippy experience for me. I can't explain it much, but it's an awesome experience. This is entirely different than anything I've experienced before. I have loved before, but I've never experienced this. That's the best I can say for now. We like each other very much, we are trying or I'm trying to not fall in love but I know it's happening anyway.
I wish you well and hope all works out. I'm sure though that no matter what, chemistry plays a part in attraction. It's subtle, and we are completely unaware of it, but it's going on.
Yeah. I mean I'm aware there is chemistry, what I'm saying is that it's more than that. I'm fairly sensitive to subtle energy, so I feel it(not all of it I'm sure) but I still think it's secondary to what's going on. I think we are just very, very compatible, which sounds kinda basic as I write it, but it's kinda a big deal.
To say it's just chemistry is a bit naive I think. Of course chemistry is involved. We all have certain people with certain pheromones, or smells, that will biologically drive us nuts based on our own smell receptors and whatnot (not a freaking biologist ), but I've met some people like that where you think "damn he's hot why am I so attracted to this guy?" And all that jazz, but when he opens his mouth to speak the magic is ruined. So yes chemistry is a part of it, but so is personality and life experience and interests and physical looks and so much more.
See what I ment with why try put it into words when you never quite hit the exact feelings on the nail But yeah, we can always try! Sounds great Wouldn't battle that falling feeling too hard if it's mutual
If you want it explained Basically you get to around 23, everyone around you is having babies so you get sucked in. If somehow you survive that stage, the girls get close to 30, then its like musical chairs, except there arent enough decent chairs goddamit, so the girls will just grab any good fornuthin chair Any spend the last two thirds of their life in denial with phrases like soul mate, man of my dreams, amazing connection with some douche they would have called a pervert ten years earlier
It's not just chemistry I agree. But it does play a large part. It's also possible to have a situation which is the reverse of what you're talking about - I've met women who I find very attractive on the level of personality, but either there wasn't that special physical attraction, or if it went any further it wasn't that great in terms of sex.