Teabaggers say Lindsey Graham isn't right wing enough

Discussion in 'Politics' started by rjhangover, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. RIPTIDE59

    RIPTIDE59 Banned

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    Seems like hangover would just about do anything but work for his health insurance. Looking for a barry bail out?
  2. AiryFox

    AiryFox Member

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    The irony regarding the GOP is that it knows it must make a radical shift in order to gain the people's trust for the next election, but by all appearances it seems they do not want to change whatsoever.

    The younger generation is becoming increasingly liberal, and the actions of the GOP only make them more so.
  3. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    Riptide and Sig are perfect examples of GOP morons. They both know that most here realize that they are only here to obstruct threads, like the cons in congress that have been obstructing all efforts to recover from the economic collapse they caused. They enjoy being assholes. They disrespect and insult anyone that isn't a fellow republican moron. Republicans are totally anti-American, with a divide and conquer strategy for this country. And that's what riptide and sig are trying to do to Hip Forums. It's the stupid Hitler philosophy, willing to destroy their own country, unless they get their way. Hate, bigotry and fascism is their game. And the more they do it, the more I expose them.
  4. RIPTIDE59

    RIPTIDE59 Banned

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    Secret agent hangover , once again exposing the facts. Great. Ahem, I'm not a Republican. I'm exposing hatred imposed upon us by the current regime and western islamification encouraged by a despot with islamic leanings. Discussion of global control and socialism is not hatred. Just a simple warning. Those disregarding , choosing to pander and comfort the enemy will be the first to loose their precious God given Liberties.
  5. AiryFox

    AiryFox Member

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    False. ;)
  6. RIPTIDE59

    RIPTIDE59 Banned

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    No, not false. Our Constitution was derived from the Bible. The secular humanist left would like give this power to coercive government ; however the arguement is intellectually unsound.
  7. AiryFox

    AiryFox Member

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    False. That is why separation of church and state is constitutional. The founding fathers knew what damage a theocracy would cause to the country, and as a result their deistic minds conceptualized a constitution where theists could not overstep their boundaries.
  8. RIPTIDE59

    RIPTIDE59 Banned

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    Where is separation of church mentioned in the Constitution? Nowhere. This is a left wing myth. Jefferson briefly mentioned the fear of a theocracy in a brief letter to a French politician. Where have Jews or Christians ever overstepped their boundaries? Where did you get your civics and history from? Canada?
  9. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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  10. AiryFox

    AiryFox Member

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    I admit that I was partially wrong.

    My misunderstanding in no way invalidates the real concept that exists in which we must respect and uphold the separation of church and state concept.

    Without going into the heinous history of religion persecuting the non-religious, by currently constantly attempting to get laws passed that infringe upon the rights of others. All because others do not live as they do.

    America. Which begs the question, from where are you learning your history? Hopefully, you do not give the bible as your answer.
  11. monkjr

    monkjr Senior Member

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    Here are some examples:

    1. "Christian" segments of USA's past, used Christian concepts, to say that racism was the right thing in both the civil perspective legally AND on the premise because of what the Bible said about the topic. Same goes for what was said about women, and more recently and presently the gay-rights movement.

    2. One level of association over, you got the Todd Akin types, saying things about "legitimate rape" and that "she wanted it", and you often find the person who believes those things have ties to religion accompanied with sexist views and believe in slut-shaming.


    Also the separation between church and state is implied by the fact that the government can't have an established religion, and that the 1st Amendment gives each individual a freedom to practice their own faith (within limits of course, meaning your rights can't infringe on another's just as equal right to practice their faith)

    Also the original Pledge of Allegiance did not have the phrase "under God" in it, and technically it should be removed, it was only added as a propaganda tool/filter to crack down on communists.
  12. RIPTIDE59

    RIPTIDE59 Banned

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    Sounds like monk really has a hard on for religion. Perhaps he can provide us some linx for his monologue.
  13. monkjr

    monkjr Senior Member

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    Keynesian economic policies are just tools, and in of itself it is not an evil concept and it's not theft. But Keynesian economics cannot be the only solution, but that's just common sense, I don't need the right to tell me that.

    The counter alternative economic policy, Supply-side economics, doesn't create jobs at a fast enough rate to say it's a success either.

    Wait what are you saying about me? Are you asserting that I love or hate religion? I can't make high nor tail of the above post about this supposed "hard on" I have.

    (Note: You went into graphic detail where it need not be, we're talking policy and analysis which is as technical and policy wonky and unattractive a topic one can get into; what's with the sexual references?)
  14. RIPTIDE59

    RIPTIDE59 Banned

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    That's what I thought. The missing link.
  15. monkjr

    monkjr Senior Member

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    Okay, you're like borderline trolling because I'm responding to you seriously, and you just aren't adding to the conversation in your last couple posts.

    I ask you direct questions, and you go ahead and avoid it and say something unrelated as a response.

    Disrespectful much?

    Also, linx isn't a word.

    But if you meant links, I've provided those in past threads about the same topic OR I've referenced well known historical information in an informal citation.

    But all one really has to do is look at the Reagan years in the context of how cutting back on taxes affected wealth disparity and job creation. That was Supply-side economics at work.
  16. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    It's futile to try to converse with a moron.
  17. RIPTIDE59

    RIPTIDE59 Banned

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    If one can not substantiate their false claims. Is that considered trolling? Perhaps you , sir, should return to cheerleader camp for more socialist indoctrination. Good day euro comrade.
  18. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    Has this threads topic moved from being relative to the political leaning of Lindsey Graham by those who engage in sexual deviant behavior?
  19. RIPTIDE59

    RIPTIDE59 Banned

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    What do you consider sexually "deviant" behavior?

    Nice Randian quote. Really makes good sense. 47%'ers are more expensive than they think.
  20. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    Just referring to the thread topic, looking up the term teabagger and finding it defined as "a man that squats on top of a womens face and lowers his genitals into her mouth during sex, known as 'teabagging'"., which sounded like a deviation from more normal sexual behavior.

    I'm curious why anyone would make their sexual activities known in discussing their political beliefs and how they relate them to Lindsey Graham?

    And it would appear that the act was created by Mussolini fascists, although I've been unable to find confirmation of that, as rjh didn't provide the source from where that fact? was obtained.

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