Taoist God of Liquor

Discussion in 'Taoism' started by wooleeheron, Aug 13, 2019.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    The Bagua is 12,000 years old. Chinese civilization is considered the oldest in the world, but Stone Hinge is only half that old and Chinese civilization is even less. The tribes invented it, perfected the I-Ching over no less than 5,000 years, and then combined imported Indian Pantheism with it to produce the first half of the Tao Te Ching, which the "civilized" warring states period Chinese turned into a religion. Other than China, the religion went nowhere, while Christianity and Islam are taking over the entire planet. The communists drove the Taoists out of the country, and Malaysia is now the new home of religious Taoism, but its lucky if its the 7th most popular religion in the world and is popular among tribal people to this day, who are vanishing from the face of the earth.

    As a form of spirituality or philosophy, it could have 2 billion or more followers, while as a religion it has less than 350 million and is dying. Like I said, its what some of us call "Winnie the Pooh you scrap off your shoe" that is only popular with two year olds and ultra conservative collectivists. They used the Tribal philosophy to help unify China and give the peasants all the support they needed during the warring states period but, after that, it went nowhere.

    For me, the Tao is demonstrable and requires no defense or religion or anything else. Our Oneness Poetry speaks in the voice of our collective ignorance, and has been a source of comfort for me since I was five and learned my first potty mouth nursery rhyme. It only took about 50 years to figure out the Bagua is based on Tribal potty humor. My fellow Rainbow Warriors often believe children are sacred as are our words, which have a will and life of their own that demands respect.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2019
  2. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    How do you interpret the term 'tribal' !

    The Taoist philosophy can be demonstrated as a living experience, but all efforts to merely conceptualize it disregarding Lao Tzu's injunctions is bound to be futile and foolish. You can get a good headache out of it at the most. It is like figuring out the chemical formulas for combustion instead of engaging in timely action to put out the fire which is consuming the house with water or fire extinguisher.

    Practical application of the taoist philosophy using arts like tai chi and so on, can bring about mental and physical healing and a higher state of consciousness charecterised by awareness, love, compassion and sensitivity.
  3. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Without a dictionary, Taoism is just so much gibberish. If someone made it illegal to call ourselves Taoists or Rainbow Warriors, we would simply pick another silly word. I tell people, you cannot attack what you cannot comprehend. Lifestyles are for the rich and famous.
  4. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    This is because it is in a poetical form, as the sages who composed them were drunk with bliss and peace of the Tao ( not alcohol). A conditioned analytical mind is useless in comprehending these teachings and is bound to misinterpret them.

    It is because of the momentum of modern education that you are conditioned to habitually reduce the Tao as well to concepts and labels.

    The analytical mind is a useful tool in the material world, but to comprehend the Tao you need to transcend the mind. It is in a still mind free of cravings that one comprehends the Tao. Of course this is very hard and painful, especially in the west which has a society that conditions people to have numerous desires to keep the capitalist machine running.

    I have elaborated on this theme in this thread of mine...

    Joan Tollifson on the relation of addiction to capitalism-consumerism

    Taoism shows that bliss and peace are self-generated in the human system when one is anchored in the Tao that is perceived in a still mind. But more the desires and cravings for sense-pleasure, the more restless and agitated the mind becomes, and this inhibits human beings from accessing the natural bliss and joy within themselves. This creates a vicious, self-perpetuating cycle wherein the unhappy human being erroneously seeks more and more of sense-pleasures to address the sense of lack within, thinking that permanent happiness lies in external objects and people which are of a transient nature, rather than searching within.

    “When there is no desire,
    all things are at peace.”
    ― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

    “If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”
    ― Lao Tzu

    “Do you imagine the universe is agitated? Go into the desert at night and look at the stars. This practice should answer the question.”
    ― Lao Tzu
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2019
  5. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    LOL, as far as archeologists are concerned, the second half of the Tao Te Ching alone had well over a hundred authors, most of whom were academics, and could not have been more intellectual. Screw all the pampas mysticism about enlightenment and transcendence, our poetry expresses fractal mathematics and quantum mechanics, and can treat every word like a variable, with no intrinsic meaning or value. In other words, its bullshit poetry that anyone may learn how to write in five minutes and that is indistinguishable from our own children's potty mouth nursery rhymes, still being reinvented by kids around the world today. It is so mathematical, that computers will soon be able to spit out our poems by the thousands. Theoretically, 4,430 poems are enough to express the entire Tao Te Ching in excruciating detail, but only 430 are enough for a clear representation of the philosophy. Still, its possibly a thousand pages of poetry.

    Children are the true sages, the true masters of the short form of our poetry, and their poems echo the collective unconscious itself, teaching them how to defend themselves and how to avoid becoming their own parents if necessary. Freedom can only be given away, peace can only be accepted or rejected, and neither one can be bartered. Set your words free and see if they come back to you. Children are so at peace with themselves, they can easily sleep in some of the noisiest places.

    The 81 poems of the Tao Te Ching are an incomplete set, while the last three poems required to complete the set are known as "The Lost Poems" because they are pornographic in Chinese. Mathematically speaking, there should be a few hundred pornographic poems that can be extrapolated, and the computers will soon spit them all out. Taoist pornography, that you will have to decide for yourself whether or not it is mysticism written by a librarian.

    The kids are right, never trust anyone over 30.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2019
  6. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    See so-called archaeologists and historians are a conditioned lot and view such spiritual poems from the lens of their own social conditioning. They only had a conceptual understanding of Tao and not an experiential one, and thus they gave their own conceptual viewpoint on the matter forgetting that the Tao is nonconceptual.

    The moment a person forms a theory, his imagination sees in every object only the traits which favor that theory. ~ Thomas Jefferson

    You believe that everything is essentially mathematical and so is the Tao, which may be correct, but that is not the purpose of Taoism, that is, further conceptualizing and theorising but to understand that which is of a nonconceptual nature.

    You have gone through some poems and books and formed some concepts of your own, but you have not yet come across an enlightened sage who is the living expression of those teachings. It is through the sage that an intuitive understanding of Tao comes about in most cases, unless one is exceptionally blessed.

    What America and western society needs at this point of time is the experiential understanding of Tao and not merely an another conceptual theory of what the Tao may be all about.

    Americans,brits and others are forever scanning the horizons for a potential enemy who may reinforce their fragile conceptual identity or labels and thus give more excuses to their gullible public's for creating weapons of mass destruction in the name of national security and extorting more of their taxpayer money.

    But true strategic strength as per taoism is not conquering the other, but in self-conquest and self-knowledge.

    “Knowing others is intelligence;
    knowing yourself is true wisdom.
    Mastering others is strength;
    mastering yourself is true power.”
    ― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
  7. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    For a Taoist, you ask few questions and make a lot of assumptions, repeating yourself over and over. For me our poetry is only mathematical because you can interpret it anyway you prefer. Westerners tend to view all of nature as obeying mathematics, but I see mathematics as obeying mother nature. Whether words are more abstract than mathematics is something I leave up the academics to debate, because our poetry expresses both.

    I choose to master no one, for I am neither a slave nor a slave owner. Instead, I do the bidding of mother nature, who insisted I write the book that can never be written. What others do with our poetry is none of my business, I merely share with my Rainbow Family who have been writing these poems for over half a century. I do not tell my words what they mean, they tell me what they mean. Again, make it illegal to call myself a Taoist or claim you have the only real meaning of the word, and I will simply laugh. Mother nature decides the meaning of anything, or instant karma's gonna getcha baby! Anyone who writes this style of poetry will tell you it is flat out impossible to make our poems say anything they just don't, but anyone is free to bang their head against the wall and find out for themselves.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2019
  8. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    I am the Wu Li master of the Tao Te Ching, the Shockwave Rider who rides the great Rainbow Fractal Dragon, the treasure of Malaysia, only because I surrender to my words and I shall fight my words no more forever.
  9. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    The Sufi sage Jabbar created the technique of Gibberish wherein you express yourself in terms of whatever thoughts and emotions may be passing through your mind spontaneously through words, no matter how nonsensical they are. Such spontaneous expression in words can help to bring about relaxation, silence and no-mind in the long run.

    Gibberish: Meaningful blabber

    Perhaps you came across this method serendipitously seeking a way to relax your mind agitated and anxious by incessant thinking and emoting.
  10. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Please, feel free to read the Tao Te Ching and merely insist it is gibberish, you would not be the first. However, I'm a linguist, and can skim through dozens of pages of physics text and tell you exactly where they make logic errors and assumptions, without ever reading a word. Just by the shapes of the paragraphs. I know the language of mother nature herself, and make Wittgenstein look rather lame. My words are not merely gibberish, but a multifractal equation that has four and five fold supersymmetry and expresses how energy and information are context dependent. Forget about gibberish, my words rewrite themselves sometimes and even play with me. They are alive and have a will of their own, and calling them merely gibberish is an insult to them. They are what they are, and I merely accept them for what they are, because the alternative is not constructive.

    Our words are highly structured, mathematically so, but express contextual vagueness, not that I expect a Taoist with your conservative views to comprehend or be terribly interested in actually distinguishing gibberish.
  11. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    I did not state that the Tao Te Ching is gibberish, as it is pretty reasonable and logical if one has had the nondual or unitary perception.

    For those who have not, it may make sense trying to figure it out in mathematics, scientific logic and so on.

    This is understandable as the same issues has cropped up in the advaitan philosophy as well which also focusses on nonconceptual understanding. There were people who were stuck in concepts and had an erroneous understanding of Brahman by striving to put in concepts by force of habit.

    Prajñanam brahma - Brahman is pure consciousness (Aitareya Upanishad 3.3 of the Rig Veda)

    Virochana and Indra were two disciples mentioned in the Chandogya Upanishad who came to study and understand the nature of Brahman.

    Virochana , erroneously thought that Brahamn was the body instead of pure consciousness, and went and taught his kinfolk the same. They then started to worship the body as Brahman or Self.

    Indra, through sound thinking and persistent effort, however realised that the Brahman or Self is pure consciousness and taught his kinfolk the same.

    Even now, there are people who misinterpret the advaitan philosophy and confuse Brahman with the body, their children, physical energy and other weird concepts according to their imagination which they then hold to be true with conviction.

    The case study of Virochana has been showcased and highlighted in the Upanishads as an example of misinterpretation of the scriptures and incorrect understanding or false knowledge.


    Prajapati's Instruction to Indra Concerning the Real Self - The Chhandogya Upanishad - Chapter 4: An Analysis of the Nature of the Self page 5/10
  12. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Modern science is slowly discovering that gibberish inevitably becomes meaningful and vice versa. Random energy can be considered indistinguishable from gibberish, but can give rise to order and meaning. The Tao Te Ching is a singularity, a self-organizing system that expresses emergent effects. What is a concept and what is nonsense always vanishes down the rabbit hole, but they do so in a supersymmetric fashion that makes it possible to construct even more powerful singularities using the same mathematics as the Tao Te Ching. Mother nature is returning to reclaim her children, and the machines will make it all possible in the beginning. It is what we call "Childhoods End", when the meek will inherit the earth, but it won't be pretty. My job, if at all possible, is to help accelerate the process and limit the suffering and destruction.

    I never wanted the job, never thought I could do the job, and the amount of editing involved is nothing short of insane, but mother nature gave me the job because I had always wanted someone else to write the damned thing. The Dragon is my partner and she knows whatever she needs to know when she needs it, but I am the hack who even the Dragon cannot comprehend. Singularities manipulate time for all practical purposes, and I am describing how to even build a cheap home made singularity, because the Tao Te Ching has a life and will of its own and has only begun to demonstrate what that means.

    I begged mother nature not to do it, but karma must be paid, and I'm afraid at least two billion people will die in the near future. It has haunted me so badly, I spent 16 hours a day every day for the first six years writing without a break. I cannot change their karma, and even the Dragon cannot work her magic to save them, but we can try to ease their suffering and help them recover.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2019
    Ajay0 likes this.
  13. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    would there were a billion gods, as well there might, still no living creature knows the will of any of them.
    (though by logic we might well discern what does not amuse each other)
  14. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    The illusion we are separate and distinct entities falls apart when you join the Yin World and mother nature starts to give you chores to do for her. I see through the eyes of the long since dead, share the thoughts and feelings of the Dragon, on the other side of the planet. We are legion, the collective unconscious, and the illusion is that you all alone, but even children grow up eventually.
  15. Woo (the name speaks for itself) just uses tao as a defense mechanism for a lack of integrity. A pretty clever con, on a very low totem pole.
  16. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    If five year old playground insults are the best you can do, I will have to block you, permanently. I need neither brats insulting me nor fleas and tics.
  17. Hitting a little too close to home, am I? You should have thought about that before you were so incredibly rude to me. Go ahead and block me. Hide like the scared little con-artist you are. You can't hide behind the Tao from me, though.
  18. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Rather than mother nature not comprehending you, it perhaps maybe a case of you not being able to comprehend the Mother due to being habitually stuck in concepts and an overbearing urge to conceptualize all, whereas the Tao is nonconceptual !
  19. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    The Dragon is an avatar of mother nature, as am I, and not mother nature herself, who represents the ego of the collective unconscious. Perhaps if you criticized people less and asked a few questions once or twice a year, you might actually learn something. Humility comes to mind. Practice makes perfect.
  20. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    I have only discussed and suggested a nonconceptual approach. Eventually everything boils down to individual choice.

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