Hey! Went to a class reunion last weekend and after partying most of the day with old friends, ended up chatting with an ex bf about old times, ended up in my room, and I sucked his dick. I'm feeling guilty, do I tell my husband or keep this to my self.
Sucking dick makes me horny, I don't know how you didn't go all the way or do more. Are you telling us the full story? Um, I would have to tell if I did something like that. My conscience would grate on me. I'd rather deal with the terrible aftermath and possibly get past it as a couple than feel like I was lying or hiding something from him.
yeah, that was it, a blow job, we wanted to have sex, but he didn't have a condom -- not a lot of married guys carry them I guess. I just think why would I hurt my husband for my mistake.
Well I'm not here to convince you to tell your husband, or not to for that matter. Just telling you my opinion and how I would handle it. Why ask if you have your mind made up? lol
Keep it to yourself. We all have secrets we keep from our partners. Got to have some things we don't share with our partners about our lives either before or during our lives with them.
I think you should let your ex tell him. Seriously though, the truth will set you free. But you may want to get prepared for marriage counseling, or a divorce, if your husband is not a forgiving person.
sorry, haven't made my mind up, just testing if what I'm thinking is right, so yeah, I don't want to hurt him, but I'm not sure if this is a secret that could come out (yikes) and if I will be wracked with guilt and have to tell him at some time anyway. And I'm not sure I want to get into details which would be awful.
If I were him, I'd just want a blow job & maybe give her one to if she asked for one ?. No intercourse required, just oral would get me aroused even more.
It depends on what your relationship is based upon. Lying or honesty. Would you want to know/care if he did the same thing? If yes, then you owe him the trust. If no, then why not consider an open relationship?
You say you ended up in your room & sucked him - did he ask you to or did you initiate ? Who's idea was it & did you allow him to see or touch your genitals as well ?
So here's my reasoning: 1. It was a stupid mistake. I regret it and won't do it again. 2. If I tell my husband he will be hurt, I don't want him to be, I've already fucked up. 3. If I tell him to be honest, it's about me feeling better...which maybe I need to do, not about him. I just am not sure if there is a good answer and I can't go back and unsuck the guy.
part of the details I'm not feeling great about, I asked him to the room and we both started necking and touching each other, and when it came time for sex, he had no condom so I told him I would go down on him. Not my proudest moment.
you know your husband and yourself better than strangers online. You probably already know what is right for you and your situation, whether it be to keep it secret or reveal it. Only thing to ask yourself if you don't tell him, are you the type of person more likely to take the risk a second time if there were no consequences the first time? again, only you know these answers, not us unknown idiots online
I make a lot of mistakes that no one ever finds out about(none extramarital, sexual rekations though). I think I see your dilemma. If you admit to it to try to rid yourself of guilt, then your husband is hurt. If you don't tell, you still suffer. This is a tough one. I still say listen to YouFreeMe.