Hey, I'm sure most of you have seen this doing the rounds already but just incase. Please take steps to ensure that you don't lose your vote this year because another election is likely. JC is now the countries favourite for PM so we're the closest we've been in my lifetime to having a fair government. The conservatives will do everything in their power to maintain the status quo. Check the details here: https://www.google.co.uk/amp/amp.timeinc.net/nme/blogs/another-election-september-tories-destroy-student-vote-2088561%3Fsource%3Ddam Thanks for reading, Clairex
Young voters are probably about the only hope for this country. And if I read it right, they're eager for change, just as some of oldies are too. So register to vote! Tories out next time.
Ahh yes the famous Student vote ! If Corbyn hadnt promised the students free tuition and those currently paying fees their money back he wouldnt have got anywhere near as many votes from the students and the free shit army that he promised to repeal their benefit cuts neither of who give a flying fuck where the money is coming from ! But you students might end up being tax payers one day and your free lunch will cost you dearly
I have a Conservative heart and a Labour intellect. These young student voters area great thing. They give me hope.
Young voters are great in that they often have oodles of vim, vigour & idealistic convictions, that being said they are often incredibly bad however in the sense in that they lack real world experience & understanding.
As a Youth there is "Everything to Gain" - and Education = integral to everyone's benefit Protest is just one element of such
The old "young people don't care" argument. It's not my country but they seem to care an awful lot. And after reading that link I have to say the Tories remind me a lot of the Republicans with their little tricks to make voting a chore. Hopefully college students surprise you. Because if they actuly did what you claim they will not do I think you would be even more upset. What you are suggesting is not how democracy works. It's more in line with other styles of goverment that you and I have gotten into before. I can see your perspective but it's a system that could easily turn on you too. You think you have a guaranteed job? What if you are made redundant? Wouldn't you like to be able to vote against a goverment you felt was ineffective? some people.
I was just having a lol there was no political motive behind it, I just came up with a stupid observation. It's an observation I think Homer Simpson would even make, like this one. I also know that a lot of students do in fact work which completely erases what I said, but like I said, was just a stupid observation I thought sounded funny.
Loving the Tories saying "Labour's manifesto contained blatant bribes for young people and students!" As if every single Tory manifesto since year dot hasn't done the same for middle-aged and elderly voters. Only difference is that Labour gambled that young people weren't as lazy and apathetic as they're always painted to be.
socialism in its trust sense cannot work where gloablisation has emerged. and it has emerged not only because of technology but ironically, our desire for cheap shit. which creates a paradox in itself. we hate capitalism, but will not, in general, support local, or more expensive alternatives humans are funny creatures. objectively, this deduces to me at least that politics of greed are at play.
And he Lied About it ! http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/jeremy-corbyn-student-debt-general-election_uk_5975a97de4b09e5f6cd0619c