Struggling With Connections

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by Mr.Mesmer88, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. Mr.Mesmer88

    Mr.Mesmer88 Members

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    I'm 26 years old, male, fit, black, handsome talented and well-read with a winning smile and purple hair.

    For the life of me, i canno seem to drop this habit of friendzoning every female that shows interest in me. I've been in and out of a handful of relationships since i was 20, all of them ended terribly and i have zero contact with any of my ex's.

    I've been keeping myself away from the dating scene and rarely venturing out for new hookups. The thought of getting into another accidentally bad relationship is enough to keep me celebate for months on end, and I'm finding that I've become so picky with what im interested in (or so distracted) that the women i meet just don't keep my interest.

    I don't know if you'd call it self absorption or just a lack of enthusiasm, or if its legitimate fear of commitment that's keeping my heart on a shelf, but i will say that when i get to the point that I start to let people get closer to me or get to know me, i get mean, spiteful and vicious. It's unintentional but its starting to get annoying.

    I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life. I genuinely enjoy peoples company but i tend to keep them at a distance. Does anyone have any advice on how i could make some progress and stop being such a guarded judgemental dick all the time?

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