Strongman analogy of gravity

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by trevor johnson 5757, Jan 31, 2021.

  1. trevor johnson 5757

    trevor johnson 5757 Members

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    If a particle of matter was like a strongman, and when its gravity field touched another's gravity field, it was like two strongmen pulling the rope of the the other strongman in a tug of war. And they pull on each other till they collide and release energy, what is the sweat of the strongman that is burned when tugging? Is this energy that converts to momentum of the strong man a loss of energy to the strongman? I think the initial sweat of the strongman comes from when two gravity fields touch, the atomic nucleus pit's constant pressure on space gets stronger where they are touching, and the strongman lets out steam at this point and is naturally pulled in the direction of the second strongman.
  2. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    You are using classical metaphysical bullshit, when you require a contextual approach. The issue is efficiency, with gravity being ubiquitous throughout the entire universe, extremely egalitarian, difficult to identify, and the most efficient force known to man. Black holes are estimated to redistribute roughly 80% of the matter and energy in the visible universe, while our best theory of gravity indicates it can be thought of as a four dimensional geometric effect, explaining why it is so outrageously efficient. Quantum mechanics complicate the issue, but in physics a "strongman" has no meaning outside of the lowest possible energy state of the complete system and maximum entropy production.
  3. trevor johnson 5757

    trevor johnson 5757 Members

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    I think the denser space is the more wiggle room and anti pressure it has. The point where two gravity fields touch causes a density in space and simultaneously causes that region to be of less pressure, so the point where two gravity fields touch is a spot that releases pressure and draws the two objects together.
  4. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Believe it or not, the theory you are attempting to describe already exists, and is known as the vacuum pressure.

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