Yes.I never liked his music either.I'm sure there's some good in it for some people,I just don't get it.
I love this this song, 00:40 BS comes in with a fine guitar riff/solo. but I often change the lyrics to pooping all night .. pooping all night in your tub.."]Springsteen - Prove it all night - Phoenix 78 - YouTube
I don't find him douchey necessarily but I don't care much for his music. He always looks like he's taking a shit when he's performing...
Well I liked his oldest stuff. But then it got pretty boring. No-one's heard of him for years in England. But there was one thing I did like about him. Whereas most musicians set up some "trendy" limpwristed type charitable causes. Like transgendered one armed Amazonian pygmies adoption rights... Whereas Springsteen started giving out money for working class families in New Jersey to have double glazing installed. Which I thought was a nice thought. Altho, rather boring to receive as a present.. : : D
Nope. Not a douche."]
I've never been a fan or paid much attention to him but he does have a few things that credit him in my opinion. The first being in 1977 when he was arrested for defacing his own face on a billboard. The second for giving the respect he has to the memory of Joe Strummer, who happens to be my all time favorite Rock Star. And third for the appearances he does with Jimmy Fallon because the ability to have fun and make comedy at his own expence displays that he isn't typical of ego driven entertainers.
I love his pre born in the usa stuff. But he was playing in my area one time and the workers at the stadium were on strike, I lost all respect for him when he crossed the picket line.
Always Enjoyed His Music, Saw Him In Concert, And It's Great Music To Drive To, Just Crank Up The Volume And Hit The Gas...:driving: Cheers Glen.
A handful of catchy songs, but nothing about his music speaks to me. He does however have some amazing Telecasters I wouldn't mind playing. He knows a good guitar when he finds one.