It's probably been asked here before....But Im new so indulge me and don't be shy. Personally for me..I swallow, but it depends on the guy and how much I dig him, his history, ect...
I quit sucking dick about 7 years ago. Yuck. Cum is just fucking nasty and Im certainly not putting any of that fowl tasting shit in my mouth. Thats like me asking if I could take a shit in your mouth. Sick! BARF!
you've gotta get your man to start eating lots of maple syrup and cinnamon... it improves the taste greatly...
It helps if they're trimmed,...And I agree it can be nasty, But so is Tequilla. Besides if you do it right you should only have a mild aftertaste unless they've been eating Garlic all night or Buffalo Wings. Oh and as for STD's ...Never had one in 30 years and not going to start now. Some guy I've only known for a few hours. Doesn't rate that kind of gift. * if it's not clean enough for you...WASH IT !!!
That doesn't always work. I've never had an STD due to the fact that I have a system. I date the guy first for a couple of months (usually 2 - 4 months depending on how much time I spend with them). I usually get to know their family and friends first to see what their enviornment and habits are like.. And I won't have sex or do oral anymore without a commitment. I also get checked every year and prefer my partner to do so as well. Besides, you can get an STD from precum.. you don't need to swallow to get an STD.. you just need to put it in your mouth. As far as I go, I swallow most of the time unless the guy tastes bad then I tell him to eat more fruits and veggies and lay off the carbs a bit. Lots of carbs and fats in your diet makes cum taste bad (in both males and females). I don't LOVE the taste of it but it doesn't make me gag.. I just don't like cleaning up that much of a mess so it's convienent to do so.
swallow........what's the big deal. Somedays it tastes better than others....but to me it would seem liking a rejection towards someone I love.
HIV can stay dormant for years before you would ever know you had it......and it's still spreading like wildfire. I am always reading about blowjobs and swallowing in these forums. A lot of people seem to use condoms for intercourse, but give a blowjob without blinking an eye.....
Nice to see eveyone is well informed and carefull. For sure you have to be these days...You must be well stocked with condoms and dental floss. It just goes to show, The monogamus have more fun... Now get on your knees !! Seriously,.. I posted this for a fun and lighthearted discussion, Bug man...Please keep your digusting pictures to yourself. For those of you that believe that love making{including Head} is an artform and should be treated as such,Please check out " Anouther Tasty Morning" on the poetry page.
For informative purposes only, my husband has never been over 5 min late walking in the front door. My husband is very faithful and loyal and would never jepordize his family for a blow job.
I positively think that's a statement from someone who doesn't know what they are talking about. STD's come from "not thinking" of unprotected sex at all. I have known people who have Aids/herpes/and other sex-related diseases and a few of them are already dead.
Molly, My sweet darling flower child be cautious, enjoy and if you walk through a snake pit, I believe, it would be wise to employ adequate protection; however your objectives may be other than I assume. Love and Peace, David
Thank you for your input, But again, Im sure no-one here is advocating an irrisponsible attitude twords protection. It was just a light hearted response from someone who took my question in the spirit it was given. Sorry about your friends, this thread was not meant to bring anyone down. If you want to talk about STD's ..there's a running thread Just for that subject. I've been in several monogamus relationships over the past 30 years and was just curious to see how many people go the extra mile for their partners I do. Like I said before "It's a matter of personal taste"{ no pun intended} Giggle; Not every one warrents that kind of gift. Oh and Molly, Sorry to have ruffled your feathers... With a babe like you at home,I sure your husband comes straight home and never goes out with "the boys" or bowling, or anywhere without you.