dude that programme is great, people go on about it like th only thing tehy do is swear but its actually really quirlkilly funny
south park is funny....some of my friends love it more than others....a group of them can all do a voice.....so when we all get drunk and what not they start yelling back and forth in south park style.....
Love it! That show is so funny on many levels.. from the just-plain-shocking to the geek pop-culture stuff (love the random LOTR, Star Trek, anime, Rankin & Bass cartoon, etc. allusions).. but what many people don't realize is that it's actually a very smart show with a lot of social commentary in it. Southpark is currently in a golden age.. much like The Simpsons were until they started to suck.. and suck hard.. around 99 or so
yeh it really isnt just violence and swearing like people who never watched it say. Very witty and observant. And yeh, why does the simpsons suck so much ass now? They sing constantly, its predictable, its all about homer. Basically its like someone whos seen a few episodes trying to imitate it, having the characters do the things they always do and say what they always said.
I've liked south park for a while now. It used to be comedy central's #1 show, that's what held them together.
Oh yeah I love it because I think Cartmen is gay. Kyle and Stan will eventually call him on it and ofcourse kennys gunu die/.
Butters is the kenny replacement hes da shit GO butters woohoo... "I was poundin my little weiner and i thought of kyles moms boobs and a little tiny spoojin shot out..."
That was an homage to the elder days.. it's not an established practice in rhythm in the recent seasons.
Oh yeah, this is my favorite show. I love everything about it. Every episode, the movie, the songs, the clips, even Towlie. This show is just great.