guy lives in my area raises em and sells their venom. pretty crazy shit. like being thrown into another world.
Im looking to raise some as well. Just waiting for the monsoon to hit in July. Cant wait till I find a beautiful toad. They really are amazing!
The effect you get from the venom is the same as 5-meo-dmt, right? Oh and btw I heard that you can probably find venomous toads at quite a few neighborhood pet stores.
You go on a journey to Arizona during right after it has stopped raining (Monsoon). Does anyone know of any excellent toad spots???
according to ott & weil & others, the effect of vaporizing dried B alvarius spit is similar to pure 5MeO-DMT but somewhat warmer and gentler... (probably due to the presence of bufotenin & other components...) ~ so, how much was yr friend selling grams (or "hits") of dried toad venom for? (well-dried venom may be up to 15% 5meo-dmt, plus some bufotenine)) (since you can purchase grams of 99% pure 5MeO-DMT for under $US 200, & like 5-10 mg is a solid hit...) ~ (& remember kiddies: NEVER EVER LICK A TOAD ! never ever lick a toad !! ---> i don't care if you saw it on "L A law" or on "the simpsons" - there are nasties that will getcha if you ingest the venom (the toxins seem to be denatured or destroyed upon vaporization/combustion...) okeydokey?)
i live in az too and its raining right now and i knwo where frog/ toad hang out after it rains, but how do u knwo wich oen are good and wich oen will kill u and how do u get the venom?
why dont we just leave the toads alone already? everyone is all about chasing these toads down once they hear it can get them high...5-meo-dmt sucks anyway
he sells a bowl (about 2 big hits) for $3. yeah if i wanted a gram of pure 5meodmt id buy it if i just want to trip once or twice ill gladly pay a couple bucks.
Go learn. I cant tell you. The toads will come to you if your meant to or not. Just dont even bother is the easiest way.
you should know how to properly milk the toads so you dont hurt them. they got little bumps behind their eyes and you gently squeeze them (don't use nails) as if you're popping a zit and have someone else hold a piece of glass to spray the toxin on. then let it dry and scrape it up. remember to always be kind to the toads and as gentle as possible when milking them.
and if you dont plan on keeping the toad as a pet or dont have a proper tank to keep him in please let him go where you found him.
Homer licks green toad: "Nope" Homer licks yellow toad: "Nope" Homer licks red toad: Pupils dialate "Ooo!" Lisa: Dad, have you been licking toads? Homer: I haven't *not* been licking toads!
I reccomend not keeping them as pets. Let them be free living happily under the stars and experiencing true toadie happiness. These guys like to move around alot, and a little pathetic tank is just plain mean, and selfish on the captors part.