Here I am, the one and only one. Supreme dictator and general roustabout of Super Evil Industries. Bow before me in your brokeness, I am ze magnet and you are ze steel! ........
Omigosh! Are you a prince??? Please marry me! I have nice legs and I make a killer sandwich! Ask all my exboyfriends that are marrying other people!! I've got good genes, too. Good babies. I'm also a terrific baby maker. I'm good at the before and after..... You know I'm going to harrass you now because I'm obsessed... hehe...
with over 500 posts I can tell! hmmm why do you have so many x boyfriends... watch out, im packin heat
I really only have 2. But they both got engaged to other people very quickly after breaking up with me.
umm thats just an odd coincidence Im sure your much better off without them. anyway perhaps this will cheer you up! cute. Thank you. It's didn't have quite the same effect as the pic of Adrian Paul in the Picture game thread, but I'm still very happy. You made my evening. Yeah...I don't know what my problem is with the guys. I think they married the girls for money or security or something....things I don't really have.
LOL, Sonik you are hilarious. I love stories with a moral. You're like a very sexy and demented Aesop.