"Freshman year of high schools when I started to smoke. You could find me and my friends takin a toke. Pretty soon we were drinkin cough syrup to trip. Staring at walls-wondering what the fuck was this shit. Then I started gettin into cocaineee. The white girl takin my money faster than a hurricaneee. The old man introduced me to crack. I thank god everyday that he never took me back. Cuz your a fuckin addict, Your brains had it. Your stealing shit from loved ones for your sick ass habit. Finally got off that shit in January, I was clean up til the end of February. I used to live my life dedicated to HOPE. Up until I started self-medicating with the DOPE. That shit has got me stickin needles in my arms... Jesus Christ Nate WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" First "verse" I have written so far... Still working on it. I started it off as a rap 2thumbsup LOL. But now I am turning it into a acoustic guitar song. I play guitar... I have a rough version actually recorded from New years day of this year with some of my friends, Ill post it tomorrow because its on my home computer. Thanks.