Song for the President

Discussion in 'Protest' started by DarkLunacy, May 31, 2004.

  1. DarkLunacy

    DarkLunacy Senior Member

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    Ok I wrote this for a class on what we thought about the war. "What about language?" "Well it really-" "Cause I get pasionate when I write" "I guess its acceptable for this assignment." Heh heh. Dont know if its to be put behind punk or metal...

    Glad their dead
    Hope they burn in hell
    We could take responsibility
    Or watch TV instead
    Can it be a possibility
    That your the terrorist?
    And you deserve to die
    For killing peoples children
    Making famillies cry

    Your the terrorist
    King of murdered innocence
    Your the terrorist
    Living in decadence

    Cencor your opponent
    Obediance is key
    "This is my country
    Daddy gave it to me"
    Why should you pay for crimes
    You purify the land
    Killing in the name of freedom
    Have the world in your hand

    Your the terrorist
    King of murdered innocence
    Your the terrorist
    Living in decadence

    Kill the kids
    Bathe in blood
    Sveig Heil Bush
    Sveig Heil America
    All hail the king of Terror
  2. chaos

    chaos Member

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    have you heard, the idiot son of an asshole? its a gooden

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