I have been having alot of mental problems lately..... I cant think and my mind feels like its on fire.... Now I have been under alot of stress for months as my dad isnt well and in hospital 3 times now..... He is home now and healing but the stress level I have isnt dropping much... Could the light in my room be affecting how I feel? -- Its depressingly dark to me and when Im in my room ESPECIALLY AT NIGHT,its like my mind is going crazy in this light.... During the day im fine as there is natural light from outside... (Even if the light is off) They are 2 75watt bulbs on the ceiling.... I dont know if they are incandescent or not,if not it may very well be why.... I used to have a big floursecent light in here and it much MUCH BRIGHTER. More of a white colour then this depressing darker yellow...... Has anyone else had problems in a room with darker bulbs and you changed it to brighter or to a different style bulb and you were ok?? I have been just going insane..... I cant eat very much,I cant sleep good....... Im almost at the point of not wanting to be here and it scares me!! Can someone please try to help me?? -- Can low level lightbulbs cause mental stress?? -- I have read they can........ I have a lower wattage one lightbulb sitting on my desk across the room and although that one is darker,it doesnt bother me as much (If I turn the overhead one off) God bless you all.....