I'm a magician. I practice good spells. Let us say that there is a crime boss who claims to a witness that the whole room is bugged. If the witness begins to fear this, then a illusory surround effect forms. This includes the ground and the ceiling. This is an example of a dark spell. The crime uses deceitfulness. Good magic dispels this. Proper punctuation is helpful for example. I will help the innocent. That is the period of strength that I will live by all the days of my life.:afro:
I am lvl 24 battle Mage. I smote your good spells and magic with lightening and fire. And you lose. =]
You say that you are a lvl 24 Mage. What does that have to do with what I was talking about? I was talking about defending witnesses from crime bosses. I don't care what your great and mighty level is. Obviously it is so lofty that you rather throw poop then look at the content of the post.
Dear, rOllenstoned, No I have not smoked, injected, snorted or drank any type of illegal substance recently. What does this have to with defending witnesses from crime bosses?
Seems like circumstantial evidence for the court to deny. Maybe the court doesn't need to. We find out that the crime itself never happened.