Some Amino Acids & Their Effects...

Discussion in 'Let Food Be Your Medicine' started by DocWho, Oct 23, 2012.

  1. DocWho

    DocWho Member

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    Some Amino Acids & Their Effects... :sunny:

    1. converted into tyrosine which is precursor to noradrenaline (NE) & d0pamine.
    2. like all amino acids best taken on empty stomach since it competes with proteins to cross blood/brain barrier.
    3. requires vitamins C & B-6 for the conversion to NE.
    4. Dosage 500-1000mg. along with 1 gram C, 30-50mg. B-6
    5. also simulates the release of cholecystokin, which is body's own appetite suppressant.
    6. improves memory & mental alertness, anti-depressant.
    7. Do-Not use if taking MAO, can cause rise in blood-pressure!

    1. combination of synthetic (D) & natural (L) phenylalanine.
    2. produces endorphins & stimulates their use, effective pain-killer, non-addictive, non-toxic.
    3. claimed by some to be better than 0piate derivatives.
    4. reverse-tolerance effect ( pain relief gets better ).
    5. can be combined with other pain-killers with few bad interactions.
    6. strong anti-depressant effect.

    1. precursor to norepinephrine & d0pamine
    2. non-essential amino-acid ( since PA is converted into it first )
    3. has been studied as effective aid to c0caine withdrawl.

    1. precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin along with B-6, niacin & magnesium.
    2. prolongs slow-wave sleep, no effect or increases REMS.
    3. has some hypnotic effects.
    4. reduces pain sensitivity.
    5. useful for some types of endogenous depression, aids in reducing anxiety & tension.
    6. Major food sources; cottage cheese, milk, meat, Fish, turkey, bananas, peanuts, all protein-rich foods.
    7. Dr. Paul Segall conducted some experiments with rats which showed that depriving the brain of tryptophan slowed the ageing process.

    1. needed for growth, enzyme, hormone, anti-body production.
    2. helps concentration.
    3. treatment for some sterility problems.
    4. treatment & prevention for herpes infections.
    5. helps fatty acid to energy conversions.

    1. used to increase sperm counts ( semen contains up to 80% arginine )
    2. helps immune response & healing of wounds.
    3. helps tone muscle tissue & helps stored fat metabolism.
    4. used for weight-loss in combination with L-ornithine.

    1. can be used as slimming technique while you sleep ( GH is released by pituitary gland then )
    2. growth hormone ( which acts as a fat metabolizer ) is stimulated to be released by ornithine & arginine.

    1. converted to glutamic acid, the brains emergency source of energy when glucose is in short supply.
    2. precursor to the neuro-transmitter GABA.
    3. neutralizes excess ammonia ( which can inhabit proper brain function )
    4. improves intelligence.
    5. helps control alcoholism
    6. helps speed ulcer healing. alleviates fatigue, depression, impotence, schizophrenia, senility.

    1. antioxidant, protects cellular membranes from "free radical damage".
    2. prevents alcohol, cigarette smoke damage to the brain.
    3. stimulant to immune system, believed to be good for Anti-Ageing!!!
    4. protects against x-ray & nuclear radiation.
    5. WARNING; may affect Insulin effectiveness.

    1. prevents damage of brain cells from toxic heavy metals.
    2. important in producing neuro-transmitters & energy.
    3. lowers blood level of histamine ( this may help some types of schizophrenia )
    4. combined with choline & folic acid can prevent some types of tumors.
    5. Deficiencies; hair loss, atherosclerosis, cholestorol deposits, edema poor urine processing.

    1.treatment for low blood pH. treatment for hypoglycemia, treatment for poor pituitary functioning.
    2. supplies creatine which is essential for muscle function ( effective against muscular dystrophy ).
    3. stimulates glucagon which metabolizes into glucose.
    4. antacid.

    1. helps efficient conduction of electrical impulses along nerve pathways.
    2. anti-convulsant ( esp in combo with glutamic & aspartic acids ).

    1. tripeptide ammino acid made of cysteine, glutamic acid & glycine.
    2. antioxidant, anti-tumor agent.
    3. "Triple Threat" Anti-Ageing!!!
    4. respiratory accelerator to the brain.
    5. used in treatment of; allergies, cataracts, diabetes, hypoglycemia, arthritis.
    6. protects against some harmful side-effects of cigarette smoke & alcohol.

    1. helps fat to energy conversion.
    2. helps; hypoglycemia, reduces angina attacks, diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease.

    All Information Has Been Compiled from Various Sources!!!
    Info is NOT approved by the FDA!!!
  2. jaredfelix

    jaredfelix Namaste ॐ

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    Great list! I had typed a long response the day you wrote this for it to only vanish moments before I could post. Anyways, I'm very interested in amino acids and have already tried several and have noticed their effect. Of course food would be the ideal place to obtain these nutrients , but I found a GREAT website which offers lots of awesome chemicals.
    The site is ...

    Also I would like to add an amino acid which has my interest piqued:


    -Retards growth of tumors and cancer.
    -Enhances immune function
    -Increases size and activity of the thymus gland
    -Aids in liver detoxification by neutralizing ammonia
    -Sexual maturity may be delayed with deficiency
    -Used in treating sterility in men by increasing sperm count
    -Helpful in the healing/repair of skin and connective tissue
    -Important in muscle metabolism
    -Maintains proper nitrogen balance
    -Aids in weight loss by increasing muscle mass
    -.Involved with the regulation of many enzymes and hormones
    -Stimulates pancreas to release insulin
    -Is a component of the pituitary hormone vasopressin
    -Helps in the release of growth hormone
    -Aids in building new bone and collagen
    -Can be good for arthritis

    Arginine Deficiency signs: Angina, congestive heart failure, infertility, minor injuries, decreased athletic performance, gastitis, high blood pressure, impotence, slow wound healing. Stress uses up Arginine.

    Best bet foods for Arginine: Carob, chocolate, coconut, dairy products, gelatin, meat, oats, nuts, raw cereals, peanuts, soybeans, walnuts, white flour, wheat, and wheat germ.

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