I'll go first. I want to improve my diet, tone up, gain some muscle, increase my strength and endurance, lose weight, and be overall physically healthier. I am well on my way. I am 6'0", currently weigh 163 with a goal weight of 150. I started at 175. I jog and eat sensibly but need to work on a better strength training regimen. What about you?
Hi Lace & Feet, Sounds like you have some really good goals! Great job! Because fitness is ever changing I recently modified my goals and program. My main current goal is to learn new exercises! I must admit I've been doing the same old things for such a long time! I still need to lose about 20 more lbs. of fat, and add more muscle. I'm doing Weight Watchers with the girls here at work for the nutrition aspect. It works really well, and it is easy to follow. For exercise, I go to the gym 4-5 days a week. My favorite aerobics routine is the eliptical trainer and I stay on that for about 45 minutes, and what I do is try to "beat" myself. (I kinda get into my own little world). I also do a spinning class once per week for an hour (that is so addictive!) And I do Step aerobics once per week for an hour. Then I do weights 3 times per week, doing a full body work out. I work my abs every other day on the stability ball. And every night I walk about a mile with my sister. Then on the weekends I drag my boyfriend around and we usually go hiking or end up doing a lot of walking either at the zoo or around the neighborhood. I plan to be at my goal by labor day. Luckily I have off from school for the entire month of August!
My health goals are to increase the number of miles I run per week. I ran track in high school and college, so I was running every day. But since I've come to Japan, I'm nowhere near the number of miles I used to run per week. And also, a Japanese summer is brutally hot and humid, so it's more difficult to find the right time of days to go running. I don't go to the gym as I often as I should. I should be going at least twice a week, but it seems awfully rare when I go to the gym in the first place. When I go to the gym, I always get a good workout, but it seems awfully difficult for me to go the gym because of my schedule. I do want to improve my upper body strength, and whenever I go to the gym, I work on my upper body. But I need to go to the gym more often to improve my upper body.
I've been doing some Tai Chi exercises these last few months. It really does a wonderful job of strengthening and toning muscles. Good thing about it is you don't need to be physically fit to notice benefits, it's often recommended for the elderly! Nice gentle movements and positions Yesterday though I played some football (soccer) and it soon became clear that smoking must be stopped if my fitness is to improve any further! My legs could handle it, but the lungs couldn't. So aye, cutting that down a bit would be a goal of mine health wise!
right now, i', ~250 pounds, so i need to lose weight. i want to get around 225 before school starts again. i was 210 in march, but early april i injured my knee and ever since, i've been gaining weight back that i had lost earlier in the year. my knee injury had to be operated on, so from the time of the injury until now, i haven't been able to do any running or any other form of cardio. pushups and situps won't keep weight off without cardio. but through physcial therapy, i've been able to do biking, which is great for my knee and gives me my cardio. and my therapists said i could start trying to run midweek, but i'll try and see how it goes. at work, i ride a bike most of the time so that's good for my knee. future goals: get down to 225 before school starts in late august. and then work from there. i also want to get in shape for a triatholon. but in order to do that, i need to run. but i'm not rushing it, i don't want any more surgeries for my knee. -eating: i have cut down on the junk food i eat. eating more sensible and more healthy, fresh foods. i know i will be fine once i get more cardio into my workouts.
Glad I found this forum! I've been suffering from severe anxiety and depression for the last 6 months and am finally starting to make progress. However, my health has definitely deteriorated. I'm 5'6, 109 pounds, down from 118 six months ago. I'm not emaciated, but am definitely lacking tone. And since I'm a dancer who's planning on working next month after a year-long absence, I really need to shape up a bit. So right, my exercise goal is to work out 3 times a week. 20 minutes of cardio, 30 minutes of weight training, 10 minutes of stretching. I've been trying to force myself to eat more high-calorie foods, lots of protein and carbs. Also take a daily multivitamin plus iron. I'm really hoping that I'll stick to my new regimen so I can finally look and feel like I did 6 months ago.
Right now i'm focused on losing weight, and then eventually want to get more toned. So far I been going to the gym everyday, and watching what I eat. So far I went down from 200 to 193.5 (i'm 6'1) trying to get down to 180. It seems i'm starting to plateau. The only thing I noticed different about me is that chest is more toned and lost nearly all it's fat, and my legs, but my beer gut still seems the same. Any exercises to help loose my gut?
Thanks Deadbear! I'm so glad people have replied and are working to better their lives. I feel that goals are more likely to be reached if they are written out--even better if there is a friendly place to find encouragement. I'd also love to run a marathon sometime in the next few months.
Have you tried changing up your routine? For example change your eating or your exercise program. I went through the whole plateau thing for over a year. I was eating healthy and exercising as usual, but my body simply got used to it and I was not losing weight. So I had to jumpstart myself, by going on a completely different program. That is when I started spinning and I started on the eliptical trainer instead of the treadmill. Maybe cut something simple out of your diet for a few weeks to see if that helps, like alcohol or soda. Plateaus are so frustrating, just whatever you do, don't give up!
You are on the right track! Good for you. Try eating fatty fish like salmon and nuts to gain some weight (that is good for you). If you are doing the carb thing, try whole wheat carbs instead of the "white bread" carbs. Good luck! You can do it.
My goals are: To lose fat first and foremost To gain more muscle mass Tone up after losing the fat Last, but certainly not least, to increase strength. I already have exceeded my goals in leg strength, as I am currently maintaning a leg press of 450 lbs (under my trainer's guidance). I'm not exactly weak by any means, but I would like to continue increasing my strength. Heh, just call me Super Woman.
my goals are to lose 20 lbs (i'm 155-160 for the mo), build more muscle, get more flexible, and look and feel better. I haven't started my plan yet cos mom hasn't given me food shopping money yet. hopefully she will soon so we can both eat alot better. Cos i'm tired of her complaining about being fat but still eating tons of junk. and I'm tired of eating junk food too. 4 months went by with our refridgerator broken, so you can imagine what that did to my diet. But its ok. I'm looking forward to better and brighter times. yours, Tracy
I know how it is. Sometimes it is hard to get to the gym. I am a father of two beautiful girls with another on the way (please pray for a boy ), working full time at an hospital and going to school full time as well. I do make it to the gym at least twice a week, sometimes more. It all depends on what's going on. But anyway........If you are trying to improve your upper body strength but cannot make it to the gym, the best thing to do is push-ups. Push-ups do wonders for your chest, arms, shoulders and upper back. Also do some sit-ups after. Crunchers are really great. after those twist your legs to either side of your body and do more sit-ups to strenghten your sides and lower back. Then switch your legs to the other side. Another great thing to do, which is my favorite, is to swim laps. Swimming is by far the best thing for anyone to do. You get cardio + muscle workout all in one. I would rathe swim than go out in the heat and run. Which is really bad for you. Hope you have a Grate work-out! ~namaste~
My goal is to train up to what I need for my black belt in kung fu. Its 500 push ups in one hour, you get to stop for a few minutes after each hundred. Its 5 types of push ups, 100 of each. Back of the wrist, 5 finger, 3 finger, 2 knuckle, and flat palm. I also need to get up to the sit up require ment of 350 in an hour with breaks at every 70. I've been doing this for about a year(not nearly as often as I should) and am up to about 150 push ups(30 of each), after the first hundred it really isn't that bad. My legs have gotten huge due to our stances, I feel like I could kick through a wall. To anyone who wants to get into some serious shape without having to go to the gym I suggest a good school of kung fu(or something else) Works for me.
Now my goal is to get in optimal shape by February, and to be well-committed to my routine by this time next month. I'm not sure how much fat I need to lose to achieve this. I now weigh 160. I kinda feel like I am capable of holding a lot of fat, because I already lost 15 pounds yet I only went down about a size in pants. I suppose I will just gauge myself as I progress. I finally have a good running situation--that was one of the main factors holding back my progress, not being able to run. I recently read online about a "three apple a day" plan. I don't remember the technicalities, but the main idea was to eat an apple before each meal to help lose weight. I won't necessarily be eating three apples a day, but I do like the principle of eating something healthy before a meal, so I will be adapting something similiar to my own plan.
My goals are mind/body goals. I want to feel better. I spoke to my doctor yesterday about depression I have been suffering since a fire wiped out our apartment last year. I have been very inactive, down in the dumps, grieving, and processing the trauma. My doc doesn't want to prescribe anti-depressants, preferring me to increase my exercises and meditation and treat it naturally - although he did put me on anti-anxiety meds in the hopes that once the racing thoughts are under control, I'll be functioning better and able to improve my mood naturally. I want to improve my diet for mood, heart health, toning abs/stregthening the solar plexus chakra, and weight loss. A morning yoga routine followed by third-chakra and ab toning exercises and a brisk walk or bike ride is what I'm leaning towards.