anyone tried ketamine before?? been thinking about it for a while but the song FUCK HAPPY keeps playing in my mind... HORSE TRANQUILIZERS??!! No, but really. i have been hearing about k floating around recently and have been curious for a while. always wanted to have a good dissociative experience...
just take the rite amount my friends gf od on that shit and almost died just be safe and take the rite amount dont just ESTIMATE IT cause ur gunna fuk up and make a mistake Not to scrae u or anything but its well worth the experience
i honestly dont think its that great...its a different expirience which is always fun, but it gets old if you ask me
Meh, K's so-so...I find PCP to be a little more mind-altering, but K's enjoyable anywho. If somebody offers to trip with you, sure, go ahead.
can we say, olneys lesions??? learned that after drinking massive amounts of cough syrup if yer gonna do it, def. dont make a habit of it.
every1 goes on about horse tranquillizer bullshit - they use ket 4 humans in fact it's so safe they use it for children & old people - forget fuckin horseyshite - the only reason they dont use it on the rest o us (& use less safe stuff) is coz u trip out & talk 2 martians oin it Ket is great fun - sniff 100mg & lie down....
Yeah, I find it weird that for some reason children don't trip out when given it's used pretty commonly on kids in the operating room.
As soon as I score a vial I'll letcha know babe. Dont be turning this into another meth KandyKane! I can keep smoking if your still fucking yourself over on Son of Meth
I've never tried it, and I don't plan on it. I know a lot of people who go to the club jacked on E and K. It seems like a pretty common combination. I've heard that K gives you tunnel vision. You loose your sense of balance(as if you were drunk). That's all I really know...oh, and that you can usually tell which people are on K at the club, just cause they dance so weird.