Not sure about the smart tv. Before long the government will know more about you, than you know about your self. Will come a time when they will track what you are buying, and how much.
Not only do they track you by the internet. If you use a cell phone they track you. A friend who lives in a larger town, told me when he purchased some beer at a large alcohol store. They scanned his drivers license. He asked the clerk why, and the clerk told him they had to. He knows a few people in law enforcement, so he asked them about it. He was told, the government working with insurance companies wants to watch people and know if you are an addictive user, not only of alcohol, but tobacco also. From what I've read 2 beers a day or 10 in a week you are considered an alcoholic. And you health insurance will cost you more. The government would like to do away with cash, then they could know every thing you purchase. By looking at your debit or credit care. Plus with no cash, it would make it hard on drug dealers. This is all part of the corrupt government. that wants to take away your guns.
presumably they're smarter then the people watching them. how would doing away with money make the government know any more about you or what you're interested in? if you mean using credit, that's not a doing away with money, merely migrating the concept to a superficially different form. as for tracking, all use of electronic communication is capable of being tracked, especially the internet of things. its usually not the government that does the tracking, but corporate contractors doing so for economic motivations, some of whom may contract to governments to sell this information, but as, if not more, often, sell it to each other for marketing purposes.