Anyone have any pictures of anything unique to inspire me? Or any ideas? Im just trying to think of what I want for a first tattoo. I know its definitely going to be skateboarding related as that's the only thing that means enough to me to get a permanent image on my body for.
Don't get a skateboarding tattoo tell you are to old to take falls from the crashes. It will mean something much more.
Some motif based on a classic bananna or fat board - not one of those popsicle sticks the kids ride nowadays.
Im not sure I'll last much longer haha. 7 years in and I already have arthritis. My knees are destroyed, my back and neck are destroyed, my right shoulder is destroyed..don't even get me started on my ankles.. Skateboarding already means a lot to me, it's a very large part of my life.
I ride popsicle sticks though..I wasn't born soon enough for those boards so they don't really mean too much to me personally.
I have a friend that has a skateboard wheel tattooed with a design of something in it. I cant remember what is in it. He has too many tattoos to keep track of but I thought getting a tattoo of a wheel was pretty cool. I dont think i have a picture. If I run across one I'll post it.